chapter five

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Thud... thud...thud

The sirens blare sprouting migraines in the minds of inmates and guards alike, however, the nagging whir only encourages the chaos to continue, with inmates beginning to attack each other, the guards or try to escape.

With a jump, she lands on the next platform, eyes darting around the walkway, searching. With a huff and push, she starts running, winding between inmates and guards avoiding their grasping clutches or swinging fists, ducking she avoids a brawl between a guard and inmate whilst swiping the guard key card. Holding it tight to her chest she smirks before regaining her speed and going to continue down the catwalk. However, a man stands in front of her, his skin blue and eyes void as he stares down at her, racking his eyes up and down her frame he lets out a whistle before cracking his neck and walking toward her.

Unamused by his advances and his motive her eyes twitch disgust forming and coating her face as she charges toward him, kicking him in the groin before jumping on his torso and slamming him to the floor, with her knee pressed down on his chest, she gleams leaning down into his face she lets out a slow whistle smirking at his frustration. She then pushes off him and climbs up on the rail, as more sweaty bodies fill the catwalk blocking the stairwell. So she sends the man a wink, placing the key card in between her teeth, before jumping and grabbing the rail above her and pulling her body up and over onto the above platform.

Taking the card out she swipes against the locked gate and walks through, all while a voice in her head encourages her nagging her to let her out to play. However she is unsure who is talking about herself or the darker version of herself, it is becoming increasingly harder to differentiate. Yelling fills her ears as guards come racing toward her, she gulps her moment of weakness making the guards swell and pounce. The girl ducks, swerving and avoiding until she leads them to another locked gate, however, this is where she wanted to go. Unlocking it she quickly shuts it behind, knowing they will get through anyway she quickly finds a locker and chuckles breathlessly as she twirls a gun in her hand, before locking it on the guards who swarm the room.

And with a series of bangs, shouts and grimacing pout she reloads the gun and shoves it in the pocket of her pants freeing her hands as she locates her box of belongings she sighs relieved as she places the necklace around her neck, feeling the calm radiate out of it. Along with her phone, she goes to grab her clothes when she hears shouting. And Gamora enters the room, confusion on her face. "Come on, let's go" She shouts running back not noticing the room or simply not caring.

However, Y/n quickly looks around for the orb until Gamora re-enters and drags her out "We have to go!" She shouts again making the brunette rolled her eyes and runs off, she will locate it eventually.

Jumping down with Gamora she lands with the rest of the group on the platform leading to the central tower, looking around though she notices Drax standing with his arms crossed and a frown on his face, she points to him with a raised eyebrow "He with us now?" She asks, voice rising to be heard over the commotion. Peter turns to her with a prosthetic leg hanging over his shoulder, with a proud smirk he shrugs "He is until he tries to kill us" He says, as the door opens and a guard looks at us terrified. Groot pulls him out of the room and throws him off the side, as we enter, taking a seat Rocket coos excitement racing as he looks at the array of buttons. Gamora turns to Drax, seemingly only just noticing him. "Spare me your foul gaze Women!" Drax yells annoyed Gamora turns to Peter. "Why is this one here," She asks. Whilst Y/n rolls his eyes pushing between them and taking a seat at the control panel, switching panels to close the door, behind

"I promised he can stay by your side until he kills your boss," Peter says with a sigh, whilst Drax continues to stare at Gamora. The brunette chuckles, making Drax turn to her annoyed. "What is funny?" She tilts her head looking briefly at Gamora before back at him, smiling sweetly as she offers him his hand "Y/n Hill, nice to formally meet you" She says while he stares at her hand weirdly. She deflates retracting her hand before turning back around. "The silence is deafening" She mumbles, and Drax hears her though "Silence? There is so much noise how can it be silent?" He asks naively.

She ignores him and turns to Rocket, who glances at the prosthetic leg Peter chucks in front of him "here you go!". Rocket chuckles "Oh I was just kidding about the leg... I just needed these two things," He says snickering body crumbling as he laughs. "What?" Peter says annoyed, ears pricking Rocket turns to Peter, "No I -" pausing as he wheezes continuing to laugh, "I thought it would be funny, was it funny? No wait what did he look like after, hopping around?" Rocket asks, whilst Peter glares at him. "I had to transfer him 30,000 units," Peter says, whilst Y/n hums pointing out the window, as Rocket snickers "If you want to know, he looks pretty stupid hopping around," She says, nudging Rocket who looks to where she is pointing and laughs, laughing harder as the two watches as he falls over. "Oh that, that was worth it" Rocket mumbles.

"How are we going to leave?" Drax asks as drones begin firing at the windows, "Well he has a plan" Peter rushes ducking fearing the bullets would penetrate the window. "..Right? Or was that another thing you made up?" Peter asks. As Rocket hops onto the dash and starts clicking and flicking buttons and switches. "I have a plan... I have a plan" Rocket rushes, turning around Y/n nods shrugging "He has a plan" she adds, as Groot smiles at her.

"Cease your yapping and yammering and relieve us from this confinement," Drax says, making the girl frown turning around she presses a button before Rocket swats her hand away. "Yeah I have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one," Peter says before looking at Drax who looks at him dumbfounded. "Do not ever. Call me a thesaurus" Drax threatens, which makes Y/n smile, knowing he has no idea what the term means. "It is just a metaphor dude" Peter defends, Y/n hums "It's actually a compliment" she adds, making Drax turn her chair around "I am not a hideous dinosaur!" He yells, leaning down in her face. Peter stifles a laugh pulling at his collar when Drax turns to him. "roar?" Y/n adds before laughing. Whilst Rocket kicks her chair. "His people are completely literal, metaphors are going to go over his head" Rocket explains, whilst Drax looks down on him.

"Nothing goes over my head" Puffing his chest he holds his head high looking above them, Y/n grins trying not to laugh again. "My reflexes are too fast... I will catch it" he says proudly, to hide her amusement Y/n turns back around.

"I am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy" Gamora mutters.

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