BORN TO DIE? (feat. William Warigon)

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Trapped in an hour glass

With the sands of death filling in

As Im suffocated by life.

The road ahead is still far

And despite my time here

I will find no way to escape.

I'm told of a purpose

Which I must reach to obtain enlightenment

Yet the light of day has no meaning

So long as I'm trapped in an hour glass.

I'm told of untold potentials

But this potentials will not take me far

As only the timeless can experience it.

As I age through this

I'm forced to imprison another

By rotating the glass

With no reason as to why.

One gets the jitters

When one knows that flirting death

Is just biding its time to strike

Like the sneaky snake lurking in shadows

For life bestows free unsolicited gift

Of death wrapped in mystery.

Bellies of days filled to make babies old

As the earth revolves unabashedly sweet

With some coy nights cooked with venomous spices.

The voice of ones education echoes loud

But cannot bring the medicine

To heal the wound named death.

One hates the smile of the two-forked tongued death

That flickers with golden goading streak.

Yet, under its spell tots in youth, old in geriatric gait must succumb.

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