End Rail

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Grinding Wheels on the rail

Static sparking out to the air

Fumes plausing out

Everybody is scared

Hand holding tight

Claws deep in the heart

Almost a wound formed

fear flies  through 

as babies scream for milk

yet their mothers remain hungry

Since the lead started crossing her paths,

Tears moving, flushing out

As eyes turn

watching the gorge narrowly below:

a bowl of peace served on tray

with buyers willing to pay

scratching, pulling and pushing to reach

clothes tearing per stretch

dignity lost to lust

On the other side is a wall:

Gray and full of lose stones

reader to break over the rail

heartbeats fill the air

cancelling the radio behind

frozen is all who watches both sides

with one hitting the window for an escape

reader to take the leap in the great beyond;

Voices silence those not in unison

Pushing their screams into fear

One ticking a phone for a house

with his shoes covered in plants

Another praying for morality

as absolute truth is thrown into the gorge

A bump over the rail

sends everyone into the air

lifting out the weave that made one look real

lifting up the skirt that hid the scars within-g

revealing the death of the innocent yet to see light

with some falling below,

younglings hitting before all,

onto the flow as others land on them

ignored as greed closes their ears for themselves

And finally off the valley 

As the train slows down

Bags moving right to left

Some falling on heads 

exposing bacteria to those without a cure

increasing screams as scritches turn out

lies and flies turn to synonyms as the good disappear

chaos over the bend

gravity pulling their bags away

leaving them with nothing but air


As the journey comes to an end

With praises from those at the end

the bag owners rush out looking for their lost

leaving behind a trail of forgotten souls

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