Looking through the silver plate

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I look at it, hanging on the wall

All I see is myself from the past;

From the days when I used to sneak via the backdoor

From the days when I wore torn clothes

When I sat on stones with dusty wool on me

When I used to swim in the rough rivers

Always diving and bleeding after every try

From the days I would lye awake, nightless

When my eyes would protest for me

For me to wake up and climb trees

For me to wake up and sweep the dust in our yards

To remove the stains that were put on me

The chains that were tied to my feet

The master that would ride me like a horse

The weight that I donkeyed around and fire that burned my hands

This mirror shows me, with a white shirt

Clean with the doves hovering over me

This doves shows my hands cleaner than then

It makes my eyes jealous of me

Wanting to take what I have build

The roads I have crossed and the foxes I bypassed

The rings and clothes I wear

It shows the tears evaporating from our past

The river is now a laminar

I can now lye with sleeping eyes

Knowing the trees are now short

And the sharks are now gone

I am free to look onto the mirror at any time

To look at myself with a timeline

And fly away without traffic in the air

[The Mirror Speaks Back]

When I look at you, I see an image that would have...

I see changes happening around me

I see visions changing at every chance

I see myself in a trance, a person who lost the chances on the table

Watching through my life, all alone

The surface is smooth

The light cannot pass, but my mind is

The frames are covered in prosperity

The time might look still

But it moves and runs at every reflection

Yesterday now has wrinkles

The childish kid who played in the sand

Is now an adult working in the mines

With troubles following him like shadows

Anxiety, worries and stress knocking the door

How can I cope when yesterday....

Was fun, sweet and worry-less

When yesterday was just a kid

Looking for mother in amusements

And roaming around swings

When I look at you, I see--

I see a person whose journey...

has started, no turn backs, only eyes

O! I see wishes and dreams not miles away

I see a family that used to be happy--

A man who was brave and alive

A woman who was happy and cheerful

A man whose family is in the desert

A woman who struggles to get sleep

A future unplanned and unaware

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