Ye Old Rail

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Pumping steam and racing horses

Laughter and welcoming applauses

Exchanged of food, bread for coins

Clothes and crafts all had points

Gossips and eyes watching passes

Suitcase and suits rushing classes

Mother's goodbyes to sons and daughters

Tears of hope, for difference in waters

Ye Old Rail stood so great

Never was stained or had a break

The path was greener, never this green

Always clear, visions were lean

Years tracked bye and all was lost

Covered in a blanket of nostalgic dust.


In the wilderness, alone,

Thy greatness left in the cold,

No where to run or steam to loan,

The road back home, far to hold.

I remember the hustle to get in,

The grabbing, pulling, pushing to sit,

The windows, a cinema within,

The talks that went round, a new friend could fit.

Too far from home, no way home,

The world so ignorant it left me here,

Everyday a struggle to keep out the foam,

But my roots stretches deep to bring me here.

Left my past for the future ahead,

And still with my baggage, I was never well set.

Going back home

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