2; Jacob

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My sisters, bad boy.



I walk into the office and see Kurt sound asleep on the chair. His feet propped up on the desk and his head thrown back, with loud and annoying amped escaping his mouth. I chuckled and shook my head, walking over there with the folder of the newcomers and slam it loudly down on the desk.

I keep walking and slap my hand against his forehead. "Wakie, wakie, big boy!" I tease. He jumps up and falls out of the chair, a scream is then what comes from his throat. I laugh at this. Kurt can always be that way. Clumsy little bastard. Although he's the joker out of all of us.

"Really, jake?" He grunted, pushing himself to his feet. I chuckled again, my deep voice breaking through. "Really, Kurt." He shook himself off as he stood and glared at me. I could almost see the daggers coming out of his eyes and on me. I just rolled my eyes. He sighed and plopped back down on his seat. "Okay, well what did the boss want?"

"She wants me you, and Crissy to look at them. We will be watching one of the girls. Apparently she's pretty bad." He chuckled. "I like bad."

So, Kurt may be a guard, but we work at an all girls jail. So it gives him plenty of time to hook up with them. Most girls that come here, are only here because of drugs or something. So the longest they usually stay is around six or seven years. Kinda like a rehab. Just so they get better and then they will be released. So, the boss doesn't really care what we do with them.

I treat them like normal people. Because my hook ups are with Cristina. Usually once or twice a week. Everyone knows it, so they leave Cristina alone, knowing I'd probably beat the hell out of them if they did that.

"Well where's your girlfriend?"

"Not my girlfriend, but she's coming. So chill."

I took a seat in a nearby leather chair. I sighed and pulled off my sunglasses. It's so hot today. More than usual. So that's why I'm wearing a flannel cop shirt with a white tank top under it. Along with caky shorts. I flip my hat off and run a hand through my messy brown hair. Which has some blonde streaks in it.

Arms suddenly wrap around my neck, and that familiar perfume smell kicks in. I smile as Cristina sits on my lap, sideways so her feet are dangling off the side of the chair. She smirks at me before kissing me hard on the lips. I don't feel anything. All I felt was the acknowledgement that they were there. Not like when when I used to kiss.......

I gulp as Crissy pulls away. She winks at me, then turns and gets off my lap, sliding into a nearby chair. "So, what's up, guys?" She asks. Kurt rolls his eyes and throws her the folder. "Boss wants us to look over it. Examine the girls. Apparently there's one we need to keep a close eye on. But I did it last time." Kurt sated.

Crissy looked at me as shrugged. "I did it before him. It's your turn Jake." I grunted and let my head fall. "Fine, read her off." I said. She chuckled and went through the files, searching for the one with the star on it. She found it and pulled it out.

"Damn, this girl has done everything. Drugs, underground fighting, prostitute, strip clubs, robbing."

"How come the girl is coming here then?" Kurt asked, leaning forward. She looked back at the paper. "Apparently the found her not guilty for some of the stuff. Lucky bitch. She got off the hook for shit like this." Crissy shook her head and threw my the folder. "Check out for yourself." I barley caught it and brought my head up, looking at it.

What I saw...... was unbelievable. My face fell, and my stomach tightened up, which hasn't happened in forever. She had black hair. A small, fragile face, kinda innocent. Her eyes had marks around them, and you could tell she was on drugs. Or drinking, or something. I should know, I used to drink all the time. She was still as beautiful as I remembered though. Even with all the piercings. The nose, lip, and earrings. Her face was pretty much the same. Her hair was different. Still the same black, but shorter and it had a long streak of blonde going down from under her hair.

Jailhouse (Sequel to "My sisters, Bad boy.")Where stories live. Discover now