15; Ashley

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My sisters, bad boy.



I open my eyes and its blurry at first. My head hurts and I'm dizzy. I blink a couple times before my vision becomes clear and I see where I'm at.

I'm tied to a chair, right in front of Jacob. I gasp. His shirt is off and their is cuts all over it. His head is hung low and his hair falls over his face. His arms are still above his head and so is his tied feet. I immediately started crying at how many cuts are on his chest. The reason I'm crying.... is because it also spells out ASH.

I turned my head away and shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut and trying to get that picture out of my mind.

"Please.... stop... Crying." Jacobs hoarse voice spoke. I gasped and looked at him. He was trying his hardest to bring his head up. And it fell back into the slumped position every time. I bit on my lip as I cried. And I saw why he was having troubles with bringing his neck up. Shaun had slashed the back of his neck.... deep.

I cried and shook my head. Please don't be hurt anywhere else. "Jacob stop moving." I ordered. He immediately stopped. I sniffled.

"Ash..... he's going to kill me." Jacob replied. I shook my head rapidly. "No he isn't Jacob. I won't let him. He said he loved me and we both know its a lie but he doesn't think so. So maybe I can talk him out of it. Just be tough. Please fucking be tough for me."

I heard Jacob lightly laugh. "I'm trying my best over here, Ash."

I shook my head and licked my lips. We stayed silent for a while. I didn't have any clue what to say to him even though I had everything to tell him.

"Jacob..... why did you still fight for me back at the jail?"

"Because I still loved you."


He didn't even care about the pain in his neck as he looked up at me. You could see in his face that it hurt, but he still looked at me. He had a black eye, bruised jaw, and scratched up lips and face. I tried keeping in a gasp and harder cry.

"Ash, I always loved you. I bet I loved you when I first saw you. I love you the same way I loved you back in high school. Your still hardworking. Just in fighting. Your still committed. Just in fighting. Your still beautiful. Just like always. You may think you've changed a lot but the only difference I see is the way you think of yourself. Your the same. But you think bad of yourself. You think your not good enough for me when really, your the best thing that's happened in my life. You always were. Back in high school. And now. Your not different Ash. And I love you."

I was crying tears of joy by the end. I had no idea that he felt that way and I was shocked. I felt more cared for than anything in the world and I was actually a little happy. I don't even know how in a situation like this. I smiled at him and he but his lip, smiling back. "I love you too Jacob. Dammit I love you so much. Your making me cry even more."

He smiled greatly at me. "We'll make it out of here, Ash. I promise." My smile immediately faded. I looked down at his chest and then down at my lap. I shook my head. "No we won't Jacob. You don't know Shaun like I do. He will kill us before letting us go and taking a chance of going to jail because we snitched out."

Jacob gave me an angry glare. But teasingly also. "Then we have to work fast don't we?"

I squeezed my eyebrows at him. "What are you talking about?" He smirked. "I heard Shaun leave about two minutes before you woke up. I don't know how long he's going to me gone. Try your best to scoot the chair over here. Shaun was an idiot and left the knife he used on the bed right behind me. If you can somehow cut the ropes off your wrists and ankles, you can find the key to these handcuffs. I have my phone. Dial 911 and tell them to track this phone."

Jailhouse (Sequel to "My sisters, Bad boy.")Where stories live. Discover now