13; Jacob

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My sisters, bad boy.



I tried searching everywhere for Ash. When Shaun came and got Ash, then took her away like he owned her, I got pissed. I went back to my room and punched the wall. There was probably three holes in there now.

But after I got my anger out, I tried everything I could to look for Ash without anyone knowing. If anyone knew I was serious about an inmate, than they would fire me. (Not That'd it be all that bad.)

I still couldn't figure out where she went though. I don't know where Shaun took her or what he was doing with her. One thing I hope though, is that he didn't hurt her. If I find out he hit her, he's a dead man. Even if I can't fight.

I wake up and rub my eyes, pushing the covers off of me and sitting on the side of the bed. I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees. Ive been so frustrated the past few days. First Ash shows up, I get attached to her just like I did in high school, and then it only took a few days for us to wind up in the same fucking bed.

I sighed and ran my hands down my face. This is killing me.

I felt a hand on my bare back and I turned around to see Cristy. She was under the covers beside me and propping herself up on one elbow.

No, I didn't do anything with her. I couldn't do that after being with Ash that one night. I sill have to get cold showers just thinking about it. She just had slept in the same bed because I couldn't sleep. Thinking about Ash and not being able to find her, stressed me out. So yea, I asked her to sleep in the same bed.

She agreed but didn't exactly question it. She knew this was the closest thing to what she wanted. "Morning." She whispered, smiling at me. I sighed and turned my back to her, standing up and grabbing some cloths. "Why are you acting like this?" She asked from behind me. I turned and she was still lying in bed, looking straight up at the ceiling.

I shook my head and gathered my cloths. "Im not doing anything. Im simply going to take a shower." She scoffed. "Well no duh, dipshit. I meant why are you fucking asking me to sleep in the same bed and then act this way when I try to talk to you?"

"Because your not the girl I want in my bed but It doesn't look like I have any other choice now does it?" She rolled her eyes and rolled onto her side and closed her eyes. "Your an asshole."

"Yet for some twisted reason you like me." I finish the small argument and close the bathroom door. I throw my close on the toilet seat and look at myself in the mirror. You can tell I could barley sleep. By the droops under my eyes and my lazy looking face.

I sighed an splashed water onto my face. I need to find Ash. Now.


I walk Into the kitchen and grab the cup of coffee Kurt made. I quickly sighed an take a sip. Luckily, today is my day off. So maybe I can just focus all of my time on Ash.

I plop onto the couch with some of the other guards. They are watching the news and I didn't really think about watching TV until something popped up that made me almost spill my drink.

"Abercrombie model, Shaun Piper, made an impressive entrance to The five star restaurant, 'One', bringing along his new girlfriend, Ashlyn Collins."

New girlfriend? Abercrombie model?

I thought Ash said he treated her like shit? By the look of the picture flashing across the screen, it doesn't look that way. She was smiling with his arm wrapped around her waist. Her dress is much more revealing than anything I've ever seen her wear.

Jailhouse (Sequel to "My sisters, Bad boy.")Where stories live. Discover now