5; Jacob

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My sisters, bad boy.



I watched her from the window. She had planned to catch my attention on fighting. I had 'overheard' while I was walking by their cell earlier this morning. So yes, I wanted to see all of Ash that I could see. And, maybe she wasn't to bad at fighting?

I was wrong.

She was kicking ass. She was amazing. She knew exactly what she was doing in any way Kat moved or punched. Even when Ash did the first punch, Kat couldn't block, or get by her to punch her back.

And Kat's the best one on our team.

And Ash was betting her like she was nothing. Like she had beaten people harder than Kat. Which surprised me. Had she?

I really need to look at the videos people posted online about her. I knew he was an underground fighter. But was she this good? I guess.

"Alright," Kat said from the bench in front of Ash. "Do ten punches on each arm. Then kicks on each leg. And then do the drills you've learned." Ash nodded and started right away.

Thats when I took my chance.

I slowly opened the door, barley making a creak. Ash didn't notice, but Kat swirled her head around so fast, I thought it was going to spin off. She smiled and stood up, before walking over to me. She didn't stop walking. But she put a hand on my chest and whispered; "I know you twos secret. Go get her, tiger." Then walking away.

I could feel my checks heat up. She knew?! Did Ash tell her?! Ugh! I slowly make my way to the bench and make my way down, not making a noise. I watched Ash throw kicks and punches at the bag like it was her worst enemy. When she finished the punches, her fists had a lot of small scratches on them and were bleeding a little. I had to fight the urge to kiss them and wrap them up, fixing her.

I even moved forward on the bench once because that's how much I wanted to do it. But I doubt she'd even let me do that. She'll probably just use then to punch me.

She did drill, after drill, after drill. Repeatedly. Sweat dripped from her face, which was red. Her hair was tied back in a tight hair-bow. And one strap of her spaghetti strap was falling down, her short shorts. I squeezed my fists tight, telling myself not to think inappropriately. Although, I couldn't ban those thoughts. She was getting very out of breath and she finally stopped, and when she did, she looked at me.

Her face was shocked. But I think I saw some happy in those eyes. Or maybe it's just a reflection of my own. I smirked and stood up, clapping. I walked towards her until I was only a step away. "You wanted me to see you, and baby, I saw a lot." Maybe being my old self would bring her old self back. So yea, I'm going is art with the perverted comments.

She rolled her eyes, and rested one hand on her hip, leaning to one side and cocking her head. "I wanted you to see my fighting. Not me." I leaned forward until my lips were right beside her ear and she shivered, giving me the exact reaction I wanted. "I saw both." I whispered to her. I put one of my hands on her arm, sliding is slowly down. When I got to her forearms, she brought both hands up and pushed me away.

"Stop doing that to me." She commanded. I smirked and crossed my arms. "What can you do to me? Like you said yourself, your the criminal and I'm the guard."


I smirked bigger. "Exactly. Now, about the fighting thing. We definitely need you on the team." She nodded and went to sit on the bench, grabbing a bottle of water and flicking the hair now on her wrist. "So I've heard. And I wanna be on it." I smiled now and sat beside her, never removing my eyes from her face. Even if its sweaty, it still reminds me of nothing but beauty.

Jailhouse (Sequel to "My sisters, Bad boy.")Where stories live. Discover now