- desperation, desolation

10 3 0

this battle, a loss
of how many now?
fighting caresses
& saccharine smiles,
how much how much

fling haphazard words
onto blank expanse,
flashing one two one;
categorize & contaminate
honey crisp syllables.

taint, paint in hues
of cutting blue &
liar's indigo — blood
barring oxygen, wail.

curdle, coat, condense
into hard-packed anger
& smile (grimace) strain
until teeth rot / crumble &
the stage lights drain.

lie (to whom), a slash
in the dark & cry out scream
out, trace & entrench
escape- swing the lantern
one two one two one
crash against cobble &
shatter / piercing shards:
watch the bulb as it flickers.

- theodore (07.28.22)

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