- personify / dehumanize

9 3 0

this anger is intangible:
seething & unyielding /
unfounded & embarrassed.

this anger is tangible:
i grip it, clasp it, twitch
& mold it between my
palms (watch it hit the
scars you carved there).

this anger is. . misguided?
is it at you i scream, throat
bursting at its edges with
rough hewn rose thorns,
or me, tears falling as honey,
cementing your wordsliesharks?

this anger is sentient:
prowling through a barren life,
feasting on fresh cut misery &
sipping from choppy pools of
nostalgia — this anger is restless.

this anger is paranoid:
twitching up at a whisper of
your return, eyes gleaming /
teeth bared; careful steps
as i reveal too much, always
too much, about youyouyou.

this anger is justified-
this anger is illogical-
this anger is real & loud
& blazing, charring my
flesh as your smile is
bathed in crimson wails.

- theodore (07.31.22)

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