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My head hurts. I'm cold, shivering in fact. I can't seem to make out where I am. All I see is dark trees, everything is dark. No lights or fire, nothing to keep these woods lit. I can hear water flowing, maybe it's a creek. 

I crawl to the stream and cup water up with my hands. I drink it and its tastes so disgusting but it felt so good to get in my body. I can stand up but my head feels dizzy. 

I'm walking around the dark trees trying to find any source of light or a person that might live near here. I tripped over a huge log. I can barely see anything so honestly, I'm not surprised. I must've hurt my shin because it is throbbing with pain. I can't tell if it's bleeding, I tried to look closely at it but no matter how hard I try I cannot see a thing. However, I can still hear, and I hear footsteps approaching me. Muffled voices seeped into my ears getting closer and closer. 

I tried to hide, which was easy since it was dark. Or so I thought. As they get closer, I see seven men in soldier uniforms. They had big wide sticks with fire at the tip in order for them to see. A tall pale man points in my direction. I quickly turn my back toward the tree so my body was fully behind it. I held my breath hoping they didn't see me, I had my eyes sealed shut. I didn't want to know what could possibly happen next.

Until it happens...

Their footsteps stop. Everything is completely quiet. I knew they were behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. Now they're whispering, I don't know what they're saying.

"Just grab her!" A man said in a stern whisper voice. I heard someone shoosh him and that's when I'm lifted off my feet. A strong caucasian male is lifting me up by the back of my shirt choking me. I couldn't breathe I was so scared.

"Why are you here?" I couldn't respond to him, it felt like my vocal cords are being cut off.

"I asked you a fucking question" He now had me a gunpoint.

"Sir she can't answer, you're choking her. Look at her feet." A younger man said.

"Oh right. Okay, I'm going to let you go but if you run I'll shoot you. Do you understand miss?" I nod. He sets me down and I quickly gasp for air. He points the gun at my head and tells me to be quiet. I don't understand what's going on.

"Were you watching us miss?" The younger boy said. I shake my head,

"No sir, I don't know where I am. I'm lost." I said my voice cracking every few words.

"She could be lying." The older one suggested. The rest of the group didn't talk, they stood there not knowing what to do. They all had uniforms on but the oldest man looked different than the rest. It had pins and he wore a hat.

"I'm not I promise!" I yelled.

"Be quiet! They're going to hear us." I shut my mouth. 

"Why are you guys in uniform? There's not a war or anything." I whispered

"Are you mad? Have you not heard? Is she ill?" The eldest asked.

"Sir look at her clothes, she looks like a something time traveler," One of the men who didn't speak finally spoke up. The rest snickered.

"Shut it, Brock." He said very angrily

"Brock?" I asked.

"Not for you to know that information." The man said.

"No, I need to know!" I yelled.

"Do that again and I'll shoot you right here missy." He put the gun up to my head.

"Look I have questions and I need them answered right now," I said looking him in the eye.

"So do I, why are you in these woods?" I ignored him.

"Where am I?" I spat.

"United States of America." He responded.

"No shit stupid. What state?"

"Rhode Island." 

"What's his first name?" I said pointing to who they call 'Brock'

"I can't give you that information."

"I don't understand why?" I asked

"Because we don't know if you're one of them," Brock added.

"I have a friend named Colby Brock back at the Hortin Hotel," I stated.

"Hortin Hotel, what the hell is that?" Brock asked.

"It's a hotel. Show me to your car and we can go."I demanded.

"Car?" The eldest spoke.

"Yes, car. Are you from the eighteen hundreds or what?" I pointed out.

"Not yet, ma'am, it's seventeen seventy-eight." Another uniformed man added.

"What?" What did he just say?

"We are in the middle of a war, we need to make sure that you're not trying to kill us." He informed.

"Wait okay, um pat me down or whatever but I still need to know his first name." I didn't ask I demanded.

"Robert Brock. Nice to meet you, so um, what year are you from exactly?"



"I'm from Twenty-twe-" I got cut off by footsteps.

 Loud footsteps. 

It sounded like hundreds of people are running this way.

"They're coming! We need to leave!" The eldest yelled.

"Who's coming?" I asked. My question was answered when I see a man with a huge shotgun.

He shoots.


<865 words>

Ik this chapter kinda sucks but I was sleepy when I wrote it.

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