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I woke up in the house again, I knew exactly what does going on. I was having a vision, I guess. But it didn't feel too real like those other ones, it felt like a dream. Where you couldn't control the actions you do, just sit and watch like a movie. 

I felt myself getting up, moving my head toward to wide-open basement door. No, no, no, we're not going down there. After what happened while hide and clap down there, I don't want to go back, and I wouldn't be surprised if Colby didn't either. 

I've been in the basement two times, this being my third, and every time I had a terrible feeling in my gut. Of course, during hide and clap I was just being all confident to win the game, not really focusing on it, but the feeling was still there. Like something or someone is watching. 

I didn't like walking down those wooden steps, just like the ones that led upstairs. They creaked every now and then, adding to the creepiness. 

I wasn't alone, and I knew that. I heard familiar voices lurking close. 

"Alright, guys me and Colby just came down here to try to get more answers and finish off the night. I know Amanda said that it was dangerous, but danger is our middle name so here we are!" I heard the voice say, I'm assuming it belongs to Sam.

"Hell yeah brother!" Colby laughed. 

"So we are obviously gonna take turns doing the Estes method, and we are going to use the Ovilus. It's going to spit out clearer words that we can't hear, hopefully, they make sense." He explained. I turned the corner and saw a camera with a flashlight connected to it and I also saw them in a room. They were sitting at a wooden table that had the ovilus, temperature detector, and thermal camera. Sam was getting ready to put on the headphones. I swear we've done the Estes method so many times already.

"I feel like I keep seeing things in the sides of my eyes, but what it'll be interesting to do it is if we ask a question and we think we hear something we have this camera that's pointing down the hallway, it might catch something and we'll hear it on that camera too," Colby said pointing to the camera as if the viewers could see it. I'm standing right outside of the room, in front of the big camera, I moved like I was blocking the way but I doubted it could see me. This is just a dream, right?

"It's just us now, and I know you can see Amanda and she can see you too, and she knows you're here so we know that you're here too. Now is the time to make yourself known, we want to communicate. If there's anything here, could you give us some sort of sign?" He asked, almost hesitant. I thought danger was your middle name, Mr. Robert.


"You can see"

"There" Sam spoke as soon as Colby looked out toward the hall.

"Are you behind the window?" Colby asked looking almost straight at me.

"Just there"

The ovilus started to spit out words, providence and erase. Colby seemed confused, staring at the ovilus.

He repeated the words, just there, as they were still fresh in his mind as he thought with confusion. "What are you?" He asked, he seemed so professional, but he heavy breathing gave away his fright.

"Go back"

"We're not going back yet, we need answers" He spoke with determination. "We can't go ba-" He tried to say but was cut off.


"It's just you two"

"No fucking way," Colby said, swallowing hard. "Show us that you're here," He demanded. Demanding stuff from a demon? Not the best idea, but aye, you do you, Colby.

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