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The ride back to the hotel was not too bad, but it included a lot of karaoke. And I mean A LOT. I also learned that they're all not half bad when it comes to singing. I suck, but as a group, we sounded really good. 

"Guys, I think we should all make a band," Lexie said while getting out of the car.

"Oh my gosh, yes! We would be so good!" Kat exclaimed excitedly.

"Pfft, yeah right. Did you hear Brooklyn off-key the whole time?" He said jokingly. 

"Damn, way to call me out, Brock," I said while pushing him lightly, he shrugged with a slight grin on his face. 

"Just telling facts, you're welcome," He winked and walked into the hotel. 

"I don't know if he did that to be cool, but he needs to get his stuff," I pointed out.

"Oh yeah, he definitely did that to look cool," Sam said while nodding his head, I laughed and just got Colby's stuff myself. When I brought it into the hotel he thanked me sheepishly.

We didn't think we'd spend two nights in a hotel so we had to buy different rooms. I thought I'd be on my way to my parent's house with Lexie, but if I'm being honest I'd much rather spend time with these people. 

We made our way to our rooms. Once inside our room, I plopped down on the bed, god I was tired. 

"Guys, I'm gonna take a shower, these ghosties make me feel crusty," Lexie announced from the bathroom. We yelled back to her with an "okay". 

Amanda started talking, "So how was your first ghost exploration?" She asked.

"It was quite a first," I said with a stifled laugh. She nodded in agreement.

"I bet you were terrified, I could never imagine that being my first time," She said while scrolling through her phone. 

I started to get up to change my clothes. "It wasn't too bad, but it was definitely an experience," I said pulling on some leggings.

"The things-" She started but was cut off by a knock at the door.

"I got it," I said quickly before getting up.

"If this is another damn ghost," I mumbled walking the short distance to the door.

Not a ghost but the one and only Colby Brock.

"What's up?" I asked wondering why he knocked.

"I'm hungry as fuck, no one else will go with me to get food," He said.

"You do know it's like," I turned on my phone, "almost five in the morning right?" I pointed out.

"Yes but I'm hungry! I would go alone but, not gonna lie, I'm kinda scared," he admitted. 

I shook my head and sighed, "I'll go put my shoes on." 

I slipped on some very "attractive" Nike slides and called it a day, not caring what Colby had to think because I was too damn tired. I grabbed my bag that carried my important things, such as my wallet and chapped stick, and made my way back to Colby before hearing Amanda's voice.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiosity filling her tone.

"With Colby, dude said he was hungry and didn't want to go alone. I'll text you where we go if you want anything." I suggested.

"No, I'm okay. I'll ask Lexie though, I'm sure she'll be hungry." Amanda said, I nodded and walked out of the hotel door.

"Ready Freddy?" I asked, my voice sounding loud in the quiet hallway.

"Freddy?" He laughed.

"Oh, is that not your name?" I replied in a sarcastic snarky tone.

"You know my name." He smirked cockily.

"Mm, no. I don't quite remember." I shrugged walking off to the elevator. I heard him jokingly scoff behind me, making me giggle mentally. 

"Accidentally" I left Colby behind, he had to get on a separate elevator. I snickered to myself as the big doors closed automatically, cutting him off before he could run in. I clicked the bright number one making it turn orange. 

I heard a ding, signaling I had reached the lobby, as I was walking out of the elevator I see no one but Colby. 

"How'd you get down here before me?" I asked, a slight whine added to my voice.

"Oh, was it supposed to be a race?" He teased.

"Yes, yes it was." I said crossing my arms. 

"Then I won." He shrugged and walked toward the doors.

"How?" I called out from behind him.

"Took the stairs, too dumb to figure that out?" He joked turning around to face me.

"Hardy har har," I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon Brooklyn." He whined, "I'm hungry!" 

"Okay, okay, let's go then." I pushed him. 

After a lot of pushing and shoving, tripping and falling later, we made it to the car. 

"Colby, I think you made me bleed," I said rolling up my leggings. I did in fact have a great scrap on my knee. 

"Aw man fuck you." I groaned in annoyance. I heard Colby mumble something under his breath, "Speak up Colbs, you deserve a black eye for this." I looked at him and pointed to my knee.

"As if you could even reach my face to give me a black eye." He chuckled.

"Shut up, I'm not even that short," I stated while stretching out my arm to touch the car roof, learning I could not reach it.

He snorted, "Point made." I shook my head.

"It's an SUV, more headroom," I said crossing my arms. 

"I call bull," Colby said before I rolled my eyes.

"Look it up dummy, I'm always right. Anyways I'm tired can we go please?" I asked.

"Whatever, where you wanna go?" He also asked, replying to my question.

"Mcdonalds' will probably be the only good place open," I said trying to give an option. He nodded before turning the car on and driving out of the parking lot.


hey guys! i just got on christmas break so i might try to publish more in these two weeks.

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