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None of it made sense. Maybe, what Sam was trying to do didn't work but I was still spooked. This whole house has me scared in ways I would never imagine. I can't believe, not in a million years that I'm a medium. This is definitely a story I will be telling my kids and grandkids. However, Sam was right. It is only a quarter until two and I believe things will get worse.

"Okay, hear me out-" Sam started.

"Nope," I cut him off.

"You didn't even know what I was going to say!"

"I don't need to. I already know your about to suggest some dumb shit." He sighed and continued anyway.

"Listen, what if you go upstairs alone?"

"No way! I didn't even want to go up there with the girls, why would I want to go alone?" I laughed sarcastically.

"I know but maybe you'll feel more comfortable," I thought for a second making my mind go crazy. Should I do this? I mean it could be fun, or even educational but scary as fuck.

"Can I get the big light?" I asked hopefully.

"If you go up there," I sighed and reached out my hand. He set the big camera in my palm and pushed me up the despised stairs.

I took a deep breath and continued into the middle bedroom. I sat in the beanbag they had and got comfortable.

"Hey guys, so the very mean Sam Golbach somehow convinced me to come upstairs alone, which is really scary. I might poop. Nothing has happened, even tho I got up here thirty seconds ago. I don't want to jinx it, but I probably will, and something bad will happen because that's my very good luck." I smiled annoyedly. "I'll just set you guys right here and try to relax."

I was sitting there for about five minutes until I heard a voice.

"Hey, kiddo! You finally figured it out, huh?" I looked over and saw my old imaginary friend, Jerry.


"Yeah, it's me! In the flesh! Well, not really in the flesh, I don't have any," He laughed and sat on the floor next to me.

"Yo-You're not real. You were ju-just in my head," I slowly took a breath and closed my eyes.

"Nope, am real. Just dead. I'm surprised you still remember me, it's been a while."

"Wait, no no no. You can't be real"

"Kiddo, look at me. I'm right here. If I wasn't real I wouldn't be right next to you. You've grown nicely, I bet the boys like that. Tell me if they hurt you, I'll haunt their asses. Oh! I'm sorry I shouldn't be such a bad role model!" I looked at him confusedly, Jerry is actually right next to me!

"Wait so you're like a ghost?" He nodded.

"You made people think I'm crazy! How could you! My life was terrible! I almost got sent away because of YOU!" I stood up, grabbed the camera, and ran down the steep stairs. I got to the bottom and see everyone looking at me confused.

"Who were you talking to?" Amanda asked, I sat down on the couch.

"It doesn't matter," I sighed.

"Well, you sounded upset," Colby budged.

"You wouldn't understand. Plus if you wanted to know I would have to tell you a whole life story and you probably don't want that."

"Later?" He questioned.

I shrugged, "Maybe." He nodded.

The thing is, Jerry was my only friend for years. It's weird just seeing him and him explaining to me that he was a ghost, the whole time! My parents thought I was batshit crazy because the only thing I would do was talk to him. I started seeing him when I saw three, and he stayed till I was eleven. Eight years! Eight years of him whispering in my ear to do weird crazy stuff. He always threatened to leave me if I didn't do what he asked, but he was my only friend and without him, I would be the loneliest kid in the world so I did it. Every sick task he asked me to do I did, there was no purpose to most of them but if there was a purpose he would let me know.

My parents knew about my 'fake' friend. They always asked me to stop talking to him. When I was ten the task only got worse until on my eleventh birthday he told me to kill my dog. I took him into an empty room and told him off. When I was finished with my little speech, he scoffed and vanished away. Just imagine how that made a little girl feel, her only friend literally gone in front of her eyes. It broke me, but I eventually got over it and made real friends, like Lexie. She told me straight up that she thought I was weird, but we started hanging out and became best friends.

If he's here, I don't think I can survive tonight.

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