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"You're being serious? How do you even know?" Sam asked, he seemed genuinely scared about this ghost. I mean who wouldn't be afraid if they had a ghost attachment? I know I would, I'd jump in a lake full of holy water. 

"Yes, I'm being serious I wouldn't joke about that. I don't know if Brooklyn has, but I've seen it with you," Amanda replied. I haven't seen it, I only felt it. Sam looks at me like he's waiting for an answer. 

"I've only felt it, but brother, you have a ghost up your ass," he ran his fingers through his hair stressfully. 

"Fuck," he said but smiling, I think he's a weirdo. "That's fun," Sam just sat back down and shook his head. "How do you even get something attached to you?" he asked.

"Just dealing with the paranormal in any way can make it happen. Or it just needs a living thing to attach to for energy, it doesn't even have to be about ghost hunting," Amanda explained. 

Colby perched up, "So you could just be walking down the street and a demon can be like, 'ay brother, I need your energy to stay on Earth'?" He questioned.

"First of all, why did that scenario just pop into your head? Second, yes that's kind of what she just said," Colby did the Zendaya glitch and we all laughed at him (the Zendaya glitch is when you do a goofy laughing face, then make your look completely straight and serious). 

"Yes, Colby, that could happen, but very unlikely," Amanda said, he nodded cooly and flipped me off. I gasped and pouted acting offended. 

"We should get back to the session, maybe we could get answers on this spirit that's attached to me," Sam said getting ready to put on his headphones.

"When did you guys learn about the Estes method? You do it a lot," I asked Sam and Colby.

"We learned about it tonight, we're just using it a lot because we're trying to test out how well it works. So far so good," Colby explained, I nodded and sat on the chair to watch them. 

I thought about the girls, where are they? My plan changed because instead of sitting with Sam, Colby, and Amanda, I went to go look for the girls. Knowing them they wouldn't be in the house without the boys so I went outside first. 

They left, and they took the car. 

I sighed and went back inside, "Guys, we're stuck here," I called out, no one answered me. I walked into the family room to see it empty, none of the equipment was there, and neither were my friends. 

"What the?" I whispered to myself and looked around the room. 

"You need to go home," I heard in my ear. I turned around quickly, seeing nothing. 

"Brooklyn," another voice sang. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest as I heard creeks from behind me. 

"Please leave me alone," I begged.

"You can help us," a younger voice said.

I felt a sharp pain in the small of my back, "You're not allowed to touch me! I have nothing you need!" I shouted as I felt tears fill my eyes.

"Brooklyn, it's going to be okay," Jerry's voice filled my ears.

"No no no, this can't be happening, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed, as I fell to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest. I felt more protected that way. My ears were ringing, I couldn't hear anything anymore.

A hand landed softly on my shoulder, I flinched but didn't move, I was scared. No, terrified. I stayed rocking back and forth but I stopped when I heard Colby whispering to me. 

His hand was on my arm tracing circles, "You're okay, Brooklyn. You're safe, we won't let anything happen to you," he pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back. 

I felt myself start to cry, I couldn't help it when the small tears turned into sobbing. "Shh, it's going to be okay," He soothed.

"Colby, what just happened," I stuttered into his chest. 

"I don't know, we'll talk about it in a minute okay? Let's get you calmed down first, you're shaking," I nodded, him holding me like this is definitely going to calm me down. It shocked me though when he pressed his lips to my head giving me a quick but sweet peck.


I know this chapter probably sucks, but I've been in my sad girl era lately and I'm sorry I haven't updated recently. I'll try to get back to regular posting (which I never really did) but it's hard with all the writer's block and no motivation. I love writing this story though, and many other stories I have saved in my drafts, it's just hard sometimes. Thank you though for being patient and understanding, I know it sucks waiting for a story to be updated.

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