Chapter 4 - The Fight For Peace

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Walking out of the small hut Adela looked out to the villagers going about a their day. Percival and Gwaine also emerged, standing at the princesses side.

"How could someone do this to them. They are such peaceful people," Adela spoke.

"Not all people in the world have a good heart like you," Percival began, "some people a selfish,"

With a worried expression she turned to the tall knight, "we must protect. They don't deserve this,"

Turning back her eyes were met by a woman holding three plates of food. "It's not much princess, but it's something for you too eat."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," Adela replied smiling to the woman. Taking one of the bowls from her.

"Princess, it is us that appreciate what you are doing for us. Without you I don't think we would survive this winter," She bowed her head before turning away.

Adela's smile slowly faded looking down to the food. She sat down next to the knights on the little wooden bench outside the hut to eat their breakfast. 

"This is so good," Gwaine spoke with his mouth full, trying to shovel more in.

"You say everything is good," Percival laughed taking a bit of his.

"That's because all food is good," Gwaine replied raising his eyebrows.

Turning to the princess, Percival watched her picking at her food. "You need to eat, keep your strength up for tomorrow."

Adela turned to him, "I know, I just hope my father has a plan," placing some food in her mouth.

"He will, he always has a plan," Percival replied, smiling to himself before placing more food in his mouth.


"We must move quickly, take them by surprise. It the best chance we have," Arthur began. He sat looking into the flames of the small fire sitting in the centre of the small hut.

"We can keep the fight in the field nearby, keep them away from the villagers," Leon suggested.

"Yes, we can keep them there we can use the ridge for cover, Adela I want you to stand on the wall, I need an archer, no one is as good a shot as you," Arthur said, turning to his daughter.

"But then I don't get any sword action, I do like putting a man on his arse," She winked. The knights all laughed.

Arthur smiled. "I'm sure you will have just as much fun punching an arrow in their chest. Percival will stay close to you. I don't want anything happening,"

Adela nodded looking over the fire at the tall, muscular knight. Catching his gaze she smiled. He smiled back his cheeks going pink.

"Tomorrow we will return the peace to Lakeshire," Arthur called out, looking around at all his knights.

"And we stand with you, long live the king," Leon replied holding his drink in the air.

"Long live the king," the others chanted.

Adela stood to leave for the other hut, with Gwaine and Percival following.

"Good night father, see you in the morning," she kissed his cheek before heading out the door.

The moon shone down from the clear sky. The village was silent with only the sound of the animals in the distance.

"Come princess, let's get you inside. It's cold out here," Gwaine spoke picking up some logs from the pile outside the hut.

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