• Chapter five •

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Y/N'S POV ::

A girl with sane brain would never forget her period date but again I was never sane since the birth. I rubbed my face as I sat inside the public toilet of this airport with unbearable pain in my lower belly. I let out a sigh of frustration. My periods really makes me the Rollercoaster of emotions and I'm afraid that this time jimin or the coldy standing outside will become the victim. Talking about it...the worst is I have to travel.

"Y/n?" I heard jungkook calling in a monotonous voice as I groaned. "You need to get out." He said as I rolled my eyes. "Its you who needs to get out. This is  a ladies bathroom. Go away!" I exclaimed. I heard him groan but I'd care less about other humans for this three days. "So you're not coming with us? Should we leave? Are you planning to sit inside whole day? Or rest of the three-four days?" The audacity of this man— "DARE TO LEAVE ALONE FOR GYEONGJU-SI AND I SWEAR ON FOOD I'LL KICK YOU IN YOUR BALLS!" I shouted and all I received was his cold silence. I don't understand what is he still doing here outside the booth? Soon after I heard another footsteps coming closer. "The heck? What are you doing inside a ladies bathroom?" A unfamiliar female voice was heard. I heard jungkook stuttering. "I..uh..I actually... I..  my girlfriend is in there actually!"

"WHAT?!" I yelled as I slightly opened the door and peaked my head to see a woman and jungkook standing there. He blinked at me before letting out a sigh. "I guess she needs your help. I'll be right outside." Jungkook said to the lady while pointing towards me. The lady smiled at me as I returned the same gesture. "I'll be right outside." He said before leaving me alone with this lady. "He is crazy." I mumbled before a soft whimper left my lips. "Are you okay? You look pale." The woman asked as I shook my head. "I actually got my periods and I.. uh.. well don't have sanitary pads and I checked here too but I guess they are finished.." I'm so so so so embarrassed that if the earth swallowed me right now I'd never ever regret it. She nodded as she rummaged through her purse. "Good that I have extra!" She exclaimed while handling me the pad as I breathed out. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. "You shouldn't thank for this." She smiled as I closed the door and washed myself before doing my business. The world still has kind people. After few moments I came out and found the lady still standing near a wash basin. "You okay now?" She asked as I nodded. "Was he really your boyfriend? He looked so concern for you." For the first time in so many years I felt my cheeks getting hot because of a guy I barely know and nothing at all. "He is not my boyfriend actually.." I mumbled as she nodded. "Okay!" She exclaimed with a smile as we both walked towards exit and as soon as I opened the door I saw Jungkook standing or waiting for me.

The lady passed me an amusing glance before she left. I sighed and sighed and sighed again. My body was feeling different. And this was because of imbalance of my hormones. I don't know how I'm going to act or behave anymore. "H-hey.." I said as jungkook turned around. "Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded. "Okay to travel?" He asked as I nodded again. "Do you need anything to eat or drink?" He asked as I shook my head without uttering a word. "I expect you to use your voice in form of words." He stated in his same cold voice as I slightly pouted. "And...I I..   expect you to not tell about this.. to jimin.." I said while clearing my throat. He stared at me confusingly as I sighed. "About what?" Is he really stupid or he is just acting? "About...about my periods. I don't want to make him uncomfortable or whatever.." I mumbled while staring everywhere but him. "If this is what makes you comfortable. Shall we go now?" He asked as I nodded. "Uh.. yeah! Sure!"

An half hour later I was sitting inside the plane. We took off and currently were flying. It was a private jet as far as I know so there was no one except the three of us , a pilot and few flight attendants. I was sitting alone while handling my own anxiety. I was wondering what Ken was doing in gyeongju-si. "A penny for your thoughts?" Jimin approached me with a small bag in his hand. "Your days aren't so bad that you need a penny from me tho." I said as he chuckled and plopped himself in front of me. "Right. For you." He handed me the paperbag as I took a look inside it and found some dark chocolates and snacks inside. "Wahh I was literally craving! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as he shook his head. "Actually..jungkook send those and I really don't know why. He said you might need them." I was stunned and amused. Jimin probably noticed the expression on my face as he chuckled and tilted his head. "I guess you should thank him then?" I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled out a chocolate but found a note inside instead.

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