• Chapter Twenty-eight •

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Y/N'S POV ::

"I don't know what's going on with me, y/n.. what I know is.. I feel so.. so.. so lost but when I'm with you.. I suddenly feel home and peace.."

I can hear him so clear in my brain that it scares me. Something in me breaks so hard, I can feel it. I can feel the crack but I don't feel the pain.

"...you're a peace to my chaos..I don't know what it is but..my days go incomplete if I don't see your smile.. my nights are loneliest if I don't hear your voice.."

I can still hear him and with each word, I feel a part of me breaking but I don't know what's breaking. For me, I've been breaking for too long so I don't know how it feels.

"I wasn't looking for anything before I met you.. but.. you came like autumn and I fell like...leaves do."

I feel myself tripping over the street and I come out of my trance. My body jolts up as I realize that I've been walking aimlessly on the street. The night is so cold. I can feel the coldness on my skin. I look around and find myself lost. Alone. There are people but I'm alone.

I broke him.

The thought occurs to me so loud that I gasp for air. I need to get out of here. I need to leave. I need to. I have to. I take deep breath and walk again. Not looking anywhere but straight ahead. I'm not even crying. There are no tears in my eyes. But I feel something breaking. I'm certain that my face is void of emotion and my hairs are mess. I walk and walk and keep walking while Jungkook's voice roams in my brain,his face flashes in front of my eyes, his rare smile gets in my way, every silly moment we have spent together, every little conversation we have had together. It all runs like a old film. A film with sad ending. I don't realize where I'm walking and exactly where I'm standing.

All I can register is people screaming at me but there voices aren't loud enough to reach me. I feel the lights flashing and hear the loud voice of vehicle. I stare at the coming car in front me. I want to move but my legs are stuck.



Move, you idiot.


My brain screams but I don't here. I can't here. I shut my eyes to shut the voices in my brain and wait for the car to hit me. I wait for the pain to hit me. I wait to feel the crack. I wait. And suddenly I'm yanked away from the street. "Y/n!" I hear the voice and I find myself in pair of arms. "What the hell were you doing?! Are you okay?" I slowly look up to find the familiar face as he checks up on me for injuries. "Oh my god. What the fuck do you think you were doing?!" The man growled at me while I blinked. "J-jimin.." I whispered as he stared at me and covered me with his coat. "You're freezing, y/n." Jimin said as I nodded. I suddenly feel something wet running down my cheek and realize that I'm finally crying. "Are you okay?" He asks again and I offer him a nod.

Few minutes later, I'm sitting in a backseat of Jimin's car while he is sitting in front. Talking on a phone. I know the person he is talking with but I keep silence and look outside the window. "Drink some water, y/n." Jimin offers as I take a deep breath while accepting the bottle of water and gulp it down. "Now... tell me what's wrong? Did you and Jungkook fight?" He asks while I shake my head. "Even worse.." I whispered. "...he asked for something that I can't give him.. and.. I hate it.." I mumbled the words and hear Jimin sigh.

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