• Chapter Fourty-nine •

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Y/N'S POV ::

Do you know that feeling when you feel so numb that it's physically painful to just sit at one place? You suddenly feel the urge to move and run. Run until you go breathless. Run until you no longer feel numb. All you can feel is your heart ramming inside your chest like a wild creature. Like its want to be out. Run until your feets hurt and bleed.

My sneakers click harshly against the ground as I make a run in middle of nowhere. I've been running for so long, I forget the track of time. It was 6am when I woke up and just felt the need to run. Run from everything for a while. With every step I take away, my brain whispers things to me. My heart hammers against my chest. It vibrates in my whole body. It hurts but I'm glad that I don't feel numb. I'm breathing harshly but I pay no attention. I just want to keep running.

As I take the run without knowing my actual destination, my whole life displays in front my eyes. From the day I found out that I was abandoned by my parents to the day I lost my baby.

"We found you on the threshold of our orphanage."

"A girl who was abandoned by her own parents."

"How would you know the love of a parent when you never had one?"

Those were some harsh words spoken by Jen's mother. A mother who is dead. I had a talk with Jen. She desperately wants to come here but she is pregnant. Due in two months. Traveling wasn't something she is supposed to do. I felt so pathetic when I couldn't be happy in her happiness with my whole heart. Because her baby bump reminded me of my empty womb.

"You have a tumor in your brain."

A sentence i heard when I was 22 only. Too young to face the death. But thats the thing, death isn't something you plan. Its a sudden thing that is meant to happen anytime. I had nothing to loose. I wasn't greedy of my life. What made me sad about is that I won't get to witness happy children playing action, won't get to stare at moon rather becoming a part of the stars, won't get to tease Jen and Ken about the rhyme between their names because it sounds like twins, won't get to work in that small restaurant and see that old couple staring at me with so much love, won't get to be the reason behind someone's smile. I was sad about bare minimum. But the world would go on without me as well.

So I decided to just live and breathe and make the most out of the remaining days that I had. My plan was simple. I wanted to complete my bucket list. Thats until I went into that alley and met with the guy so tall, his eyes so cold, his demeanor so calm but scary. Death loomed over his head like a shadow. He was someone you should fear but me being the person fighting with my death everyday couldn't just fear him.

Humans are not supposed to fear another human.

Behind that cold demeanor, I saw the human. I met with my big guy. Falling in love was not in my bingo card but it happened. He came like a last hope for my already hanging on a cliff life. Turns out, he was at the cliff too,so we helped each other getting back.

"There are chances that she will forget me too."

Then came the reality check. My disease. It wasn't something I chose but it chose me. Jungkook accepted that too. He was ready to have me forget him rather than dying but I was ready to die remembering him rather living with no traces of him in my life.

We past that too. We made our own little world. We fought against all the odds but in the end we lost the most precious thing of our life. The life that gave so much meaning to our love.

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