• Chapter Fourteen •

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Y/N'S POV ::

"But you still need to be careful, y/n!" I scrunched up my nose as I faced my laptop where Jen was speaking with me. "I'm tirred of hearing you tell the same damn thing to me!" I exclaimed again as I shoved a spoon full of ice cream in my mouth. It was another Saturday evening and I decided to call Jen. Now I regret it so much after hear her say that same thing again and again. Be careful. My ass!

"He is a mafia! Not a monster, Jen and moreover if he wanted to harm me he would've done it long ago!" I exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever. When are you moving out?" She asked as I sighed. I don't know when I'm moving out. I want to do that but Jungkook won't let me and I can't tell her the real reason. "I'm trying.. there are no apartments nearby.." I mumbled earning her nod. "Keep trying! Or should I look for you?" The ice cream bowl in my hand nearly dropped when I heard her words. "NO!" I shouted as she flinched and widened her eyes. I gave her an awkward smile. "I mean... why would you bother yourself..? You're in a totally different country, Jen... it can be SO hard!" I shook my head,showing that I'm disappointed. "I'd still try for—" I heard the front door opening as I furrowed my brows. "Someone's in here. I'll call you later!" I exclaimed and was about to close the laptop when she asked a question.

"Is that Jungkook?" I shrugged my shoulders. "It can't be him cause he barely stays home." I stated as she nodded. "Take care!" I closed my laptop before walking towards the front door. I sure as hell know that it's not Jungkook. He never comes at home during a day. That's not his thing. With a sigh I kept walking only to stop in my track with wide eyes once I saw the person standing in a living room.

"You?" He eyed me up and down as I blinked and smiled stupidly at him. "Damn y/n. What are you doing here?" He asked as he eyed me again. I was wearing this black shorts and white over-sized t-shirt. My hair was tied in a messy bun while I'm sure that I have some of the ice cream on my mouth. Such a messy eater for ice cream!
"Hello there! Taehyung!" I waved my hand at him as he tilted his head. "Hi..? But.. did I come on a wrong address?"

No one knows that I live with Jungkook now. I sigh as I gestured him to take a seat on a couch. This will take time.
"So... the thing is..." By the time I was finished telling Taehyung my story his eyes were wide while his one leg was resting on his other leg. He was facing me. "The freaky hell? My best friend is living with a girl and I didn't know it yet?" He mumbled to himself as I blinked. "Best friend?" He nodded at me while getting up from the couch and stretching his arms. "Jungkook and I grew up together! You won't believe but we are beasties!" He exclaimed as I tilt my head. "Jungkook.. does not looks like someone who does best friend things tho.." I let out as Taehyung gave me a pointed look but then let out a sigh.

"You're right but still.. I'm the only one who has been close to him!" He exclaimed as I nodded. "Would you like to eat something?" Taehyung gave me a nod as I walked inside the kitchen and he followed me all the way. "So...how does it feels to live with the jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asked as he grabbed an apple from a fridge and started chewing on it while taking a seat on a kitchen counter. "Its fine i guess? I mean he is always busy and so do I..  we barely see each other so other than the change of house,Its nothing new." Taehyung nodded as I continued cooking black bean noodles for him. "I've known Jungkook since I was seven years old.. but I never saw him letting a girl live in his house even for once. He never brings girls home."

My movements come to halt as I face Taehyung. "What are you implying?" I asked as he smiled and shook his head. "Nothing really! Do you know how to cook that?" He pointed towards the pot on the stove as I stared at him. "I work in a restaurant, Mr Kim!" Taehyung is easy to talk. He is easy to be with. We both kept talking on a random topic until I was done making his noodles. "Damn! That's yum!" Taehyung exclaimed as I chuckled and started eating as well. "Have you ever been in a relationship?" Taehyung asked as I continued to eat. "Nope. Not really. Never got the time." He nodded at my response. "You?" I asked as he smirked. "I don't do relationships honestly! I mean If I can get different tastes on different days then why would I taste just one for the rest of my life?" I fake gagged at him as he chuckled. "Once you find someone worthy to be with for the rest of your life then none of this 'different taste' will matter." I said.

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