Y/N'S POV ::
Friday nights are always so fun but then I think that not all Friday nights can be fun. I looked up at the sky as I was walking back home from work. The sky was covered with shades of yellow, orange and hue of red. I was having this strange familiar feeling today. A heavy feeling,a strange bad feeling. My heart was beating louder than usual. I couldn't focus on my surroundings. All I was able to think about is what is going to happen tomorrow? I heaved out a loud sigh as I shoved my hand inside the pocket of my jacket and fumbled with a ring inside it. The ring was simple silver band with small sapphire stone on it. I don't even remember since when and how long I've been holding onto this ring. It's strange because it's not a gift from someone but it somehow sometimes eases the burning feeling inside my chest.
You hate that thing inside your pocket.
A voice in my brain said and I immediately pulled my hand out with a sigh. Yes,I've been holding onto the thing that I hate or despise or don't like at all. I don't know who the real owner of this ring is and I sometimes wonder if it's actually meant for me but I've never tried wearing it because it's easy to carry it inside the darkness than showing it in the light because it burns on my skin.
I shook my head and kept all the thoughts aside as I walked in a nearby convenience store where I bought some snacks and started walking back again. My brain was foggy today and I ended up walking near the Han River. I was standing on the bridge as the cold breeze kept hitting my face and my hair were swaying in the flow of the wind. It was so peaceful to see my surroundings like this. The world is always in its chaos and sometimes you just feel too silent comparing to them. Everyone plays a different role in their life and carries a different character of their own. In such moments I realize that everyone always suffers in a different way and no one knows it.
I spent an entire hour just wandering around the streets and somehow ended up in front of a specific shop. My eyes perked up,I felt strange as I looked over my shoulder. I felt as if someone was watching me. I turned around and found no one looking at me. Peoples were busy with their works. Even though it's dark now but the streets are not empty yet. I shrugged off my thoughts as I smiled widely before walking in and the people inside beamed at me. A golden retriever ran towards me who practically jumped at me causing me to crash down while he licked my face. I was giggling by now. All the worries gone already.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?" I heard the familiar female voice as I tilted my head. "Help me! He is so hyped up seeing me!" I exclaimed as the lady sighed. "Get off of her tom!" She exclaimed and just like an obedient child,the giant dog stepped back but his tail kept wiggling as I chuckled while getting up and patting his head. "Did you miss me so much, baby?" I questioned with a smile. "Because it's been a while since you visited." The dog was pulled away from me as I awkwardly smiled at the lady who was eyeing me.
Sarah. She is twenty-nine years old. A married woman with one cutest son. She is actually a veteran but also runs a charity for abandoned animals. I often visit here to help her because it helps me relaxing and spending time with animals actually works like a therapy. Especially those dogs, cats, and rabbits. Her charity was small but the work she was doing was too huge.
"Sorry unnie! I was caught up in work.." I said as she smiled widely before pulling me in a hug. We weren't much close but still we were good friends. "I bought some snacks for the cuties!" I exclaimed as she nodded. "Thats good! Then help me feeding them!" She exclaimed while dragging me. The strange feeling of someone watching me was back again as I immediately turned around. There was no one in front of her shop. "Y/n, come in!" Sarah exclaimed as I nodded before walking inside with her.
Is someone really watching me?
I stared at the shop she was getting inside. Its a charity for abandoned animals. From all of the things on my today's schedule, following y/n was not even in the least bottom and yet here I am. I was caught up by her when she was standing on the Han River Bridge. For the very first time since we met I saw something different in her, she looked just different and that different was not a good different. But her mood was flipped so suddenly as she was walking through the streets while playing with random children and helping random people out of nowhere.

The Mafioso And His Angel | Jeon Jungkook Fanfiction ||✔||
Fanfiction⚠️ || ITS A WORK OF PURE FICTION. THE MENTIONED IDOL HAS NO CONNECTION IN THE FOLLOWING ACT. PLEASE READ ONLY AS ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSE || "I want you to kidnap my best friend big guy!" she snarled as the tall man glared at her. "Get. Lost." he snap...