• Chapter Sixteen •

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Y/N'S POV ::

My eyes are still watering when I watch the Polaroids that I clicked today. Me in between all those butterflies and Jungkook. My fingertips caresses his face on the photo as I remembered how he is helping me in my bucket list. After I was done playing with the little creatures we went straight back to home. However, Jungkook left after dropping me off and not to mention but he is mostly silent now. I let out a sigh as I closed my journal and kept it back on its place.

"Butterflies are weakest creature."

"They have very small lifespan."

"They can't even defend themselves."

"Butterflies are just beauty to show off and nothing else."

The words from my teacher in orphan roams around my brain as I stand in the balcony. My hand slips inside my pocket as I pull out the sapphire ring and stare at it. "Butterflies are not weak. They fly and enjoy for the rest all their lives. No matter how small it is.. they bring out the best and just enjoy it... isn't it admirable?" I mumbled to the ring as I twist it in between my finger. The diamond shining so effortlessly under the moonlight.

I laugh at my own thoughts as I stare at the moon after placing the ring back in my pocket. The cold breeze hits my skin as I shiver under the cold but refuse to go in. I am so used to of being in cold that it doesn't even matter. I stare at the moon, admire its beauty with all its flaws and look around all the stars. Even all the stars surrounding it, the moon has always been alone.

I spent hours in balcony. Letting the darkness and silence engulf me so that no chaos of my life has been left inside and I all I feel is louder silence. Suddenly I hear the knock on my door as I turn around and went to open it. "Miss y/n." Its one of the maids. "Yup?" I asked her. "The dinner is ready." She informed as I look at the watch. "Hm ok!" I chirped with a nod. Closing my window i made my way downstairs and I sure as hell wasn't expecting to see Jungkook seated there. I didn't realize that I was staring until his eyes met mine and I immediately looked away hiding my reddened face. "Hey!" I exclaimed as I took a seat in front of him. "I thought...you were outside?" With all the conversations I've had with him it has always been me who starts them.

"I was.. but my work finished earlier than I expected." He said while looking at his phone as I sighed and started serving food in my plate. "Miss-" "Its okay! I'll do it!" I exclaimed to the maid and as she bowed and went to place food in Jungkook's plate. Once she was done with his plate, she left us alone as I started eating in silence. Jungkook's plate was still untouched as he kept his focus in his phone. I coughed to get his attention but to no avail. Man was really busy. "Whats so interesting in there?" I asked and freaking finally he looked up at me with raised eyebrow. "It's none of your business?" He questioned back as I gave him a tight smile.

"Right." I sighed and dug a knife in my steak while glaring at the big guy in front of me. "Do you have multiple personality disorder?" I asked with a smile as he offered me his straight face with no expressions. "You even lack expressions." I mumbled while shaking my head. "What do you want, wild cat?" He sounded annoyed but didn't show it in his face. I scoffed before replying. "Can you believe that this is the same guy who took me out to see butterflies only to knock off an item in my bucket list?!" I muttered as he placed his phone aside and looked straight in my eyes. "What are you trying to imply?" He asked with his voice turning deep as he stared in my eyes while my eyes bored into his orbs.

"What..." I looked away but he didn't. "All I'm trying to say is you really behave weird you know? One time you act all caring then you act like you don't give a shit then you also act so tight and all but then you want to help me in my bucket list and also you act like you are cold ass but you still have to act like you can provide all the warm hugs to anyone! How-" I didn't realize that he was still gazing at me with a small, very very very small and tiny smile on his lips that if you didn't pay much attention then you might miss it. The smile came and disappeared like it never existed there. "I didn't realize that you notice my behavior?" He smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Its natural to notice someone's behavior towards you.. its natural to notice how they treat you." I muttere as he let out a low chuckle before leaning back in his chair.

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