[]Chapter Six: I'm Sorry[]

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The next week felt even worse for the two. I guess you could say they didn't realize how much they needed each other. Kunikida began to be more stressed, and more hot-tempered. Katai felt lonely, and cried more than usual. They both felt shitty as hell.

Kunikida's POV

I feel like absolute shit right now . I just wanna go home and lay and bed doing nothing. But I have to work, I'm one of the most important people at the agency. I wondered how Katai was doing, while thinking about him I completely zoned out. Until I heard a voice call my name "Kunikida-Kun?"
It was Atsushi. He looked at me with a little concern on his face but still smiling. "Oh, My apologies, I guess I Zoned out for a moment there. Anything you need?" He shook his head before replying. "I don't need anything, just checking if you were okay. You seemed, how do I put this...Like you didn't sleep at all last night, which I'm assuming goes against your ideals. So I was checking on you. Everything okay?" He wasn't lying, I barley slept last night. I was worried about Katai.

The way that night ended off, it was...awkward to say the least. But I had to wait until next week to see him. Hopefully I can. Last time a last minute case came up and everyone else was busy. So I was put on the case. I felt bad sending Katai that message. I miss him to be honest. I'm sorry Katai, I'm a shitty person right now. I thought to myself exiting the building to get myself a coffee at the base floor coffee shop.

I sat down at one of the seats near the order table. "Ah, Kunikida, the usual?" I groaned in agreement. She stopped what she was doing and looked at my head that was down against the table. "Everything okay?" I didn't even know the answer to that question. She respected that I didn't want to answer and went to go make the coffee I ordered. I zoned out yet again looking out the window. I wonder if Katai's okay. I feel horrible, I'm a horrible friend. "Coffee ready." I looked up at the waitress who had placed my coffee in front of me. I took and so before sighing and asking,

"What are you supposed to do if your friend you've had for awhile starts acting strange, and you accidentally ask them if they hate you because no ones acted that way towards you, so you think they hate you?" The waitress looked a little confused. "What do you mean acting werid? Give me a list of some things they've been doing that lead you to think Katai hates you?" "Wait, how'd you know it was Katai?" She giggled before saying "Because you two used to come for coffee here all the time. Now tell me what I asked for." I sighed before telling her how hes been acting.

"Well, he always stutters and a werid tension happens when there's silence. He also acts more awkward around me then usual, everytime I compliment him he hides his face so I can't see." The waitress was laughing this time. "Aw, seems like he loves spending time with you then."

I looked at her in confusion. "What's your point?" "Have you ever thought of maybe Katai's not straight?" "Wha...Huh?!" I was still confused. So what if hes not straight? What does that have to do with me? So many questions flowing thought by head. "You'll get it when he tells you, or when it's late at night and you're lost In your thoughts. Now, drink your coffee before it gets cold!" That's all she said to me.

Then one night, when I was lost in my thoughts, it clicked.

Why would she say that? Sure Katai might not be straight but still. Then I remembered the time I got to catch the glimpse of his face when I told him how important he was to me. His cheeks were a cute rosy color. He was looking away too. He also stuttered in his best sentence. Like he did with...Gin. Holy...shit.

It was 12:30 at night and I rushed to Katai's. He might not be what my ideal partner is, but it's worth giving it a try for Katai. That is if the waitress is correct.

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