● Shattered Glass

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2 years ago...




Hospitals .

Was she in a hospital?

The olfactory receptors of Dr. Aarohi Goenka triggered , before any other , as soon as consciousness tried to take over her. Her eyes still too heavy to open Aarohi tried to figure out where exactly she was. The strong smell of iodoform, so familiar to her , made her assume she was in a hospital. But Why ?

Aarohi tried hard to remember. Did she fell asleep in the hospital? That might be possible. Night shifts were often torturous and she had often taken a small nap in her cabin. But this one seemed different. She felt too tired . Her arms immovable, she couldn't even open her eyes.

Whose was the case she was handling last night ?

Mr. Sharma's one ?

Or was it some surgery?

Oh !No! She didn't remember! So unusual! So very unusual of her. What has happened to her ? What is happening to her? Why can't she remember it ?

No! Wait , she wasn't in the hospital last night ! She was...okay she didn't remember that part. But she definitely wasn't in the hospital last night.

Her senses coming in , she suddenly felt pain her body . A pain that grew , every second. Did she ..

From the background surrounding, Aarohi could make out voices speaking . She tried to focus on it .
" Is she okay ? W..when will she wake up ?"

A familiar voice . Too familiar .

Kairav Bhaiya?

Who has to wake up ? Who is he talking about ? Why can't she just see him ?

She tried to call him but all her efforts went to vain.

" She has been put under sedative . Several fractured bones would have been otherwise too painful to bear . However we are reducing the doses. She will wake up soon."

This voice wasn't familiar but highly professional.
Carefully articulated words ,uttered with confidence like she had done so many times to the families of patients.

A doctor?

Now she was sure , she was in a hospital. But Why?

" Aaru.." again a voice , painfully familiar.
Aakshu ?

Was Aakshu tensed?
Did something happen to her ?
Did she meet an accident ?

She didn't remember. She remembered nothing at all.

Questions unanswered, another wave of unconsciousness took her over.


" Mumma , look the stars are twinkling at us " a eight year old Aakshara conveyed excitedly to their Mother. It was not usual for them to see the stars. Being born in the city , didn't allow them to spend the night under the stars . But on occasions like this when the girls accompanied their mother to the village, her hometown , were they able to witness the beauty of the nature.

" Stars don't twinkle , silly " boasted a seven year old Aarohi , already proud of what she had learnt from the big fat encyclopedia that papa had gifted her. Kartik, while giving it to his youngest , never thought thar his seven year old daughter would finish it within weeks. And when Aarohi had come up oneday , with her finished copy of Children's Encyclopedia, Kartik couldn't help but agree that his daughter was a true born genius .

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