● Heal and Care

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Saturday afternoons found the reception lobby of "HEAL AND CARE " hospital overcrowded with patients , there families , individuals running from the one department to the other , people fighting with the reception lady with the high fees of the doctors and the cleaning boy swishing his mop any where and any place that he reached. In all the lunatic chaos that filled up the entire multistoried building , one might fail to notice a certain Neil Birla, occupying the far corner of the benches that lined up in the lobby.

Neil examined the interiors of the hospital. 'HEAL and Care " was new yet fast growing. With the posh and new facilities they provided , this hospital was starting to become the people's favorite. And very soon , as the management authorities back ay the Birla's feared, would take over the Birla Hospital's reputation of being the best in the city . Harshvardhan Birla had been having sleepless nights for months now . Neil wondered , how his father was trying to best The Birla Hospital in every way .

But if you think that Harsh Birla had send his youngest son to this hospital, just to gather information about the hospital 's management, then you are wrong . Very wrong. In fact , Harshvardhan Birla, didn't knew the whereabouts of his son on Saturdays. And neither did anyone. For it isn't very usual for someone to spend their holidays in hospital, no matter whether your house is a mini hospital itself .

Neil eyed the board, that held the names of the Hospital's esteemed doctors.
Dr. Piyush Acharya
Dr .Neha Agarwal
And then his eyes landed upon the name his eyes were searching for and on their it remained fixated.

Dr. Aarohi Goenka
M.S, Orthopedics.

Dr. Aarohi Goenka aka his chipkali.
Well, not so his anymore .

It was one such Saturday afternoon , when he was in the house , that he overheard his sister in law , talking to someone over phonecall.

" Aaru won't be available on Saturdays , I guess. She must be in the hospital. She joined that new one . Oh! What's it's name! Yeah ..yeah ..." Heal and Care ". "

It was purely a happenstance that he got to know about it and he would agree that he was incredibly lucky that day . He wanted to talk to Aarohi, his heart wanted to reach out to her . But he couldn't. Not when , Aarohi was at home . He had tried once , to go to the Goenka Mansion, and persuade her , but he wasn't allowed entry . Kairav Goenka, had seen it himself that he was not allowed inside . And Vansh , his dear friend Vansh , he too didn't believe him . Therefore when got to know this news , he had made up his mind , to reach out to her , maybe be fall to his knees and beg her to accept him again .

But it was easier thought than done . Fourteen Saturdays were gone with him approaching the hospital but not her . He couldn't just do it . And Neil Birla would admit he was being coward .

There was something else that had been nagging him . Why didn't Aarohi resume in the Birlas. Aarohi had always craved for the best and the Birla Hospital was still the best . Aarohi should have joined there .

" You seem to be thinking a lot , Young boy ."
Lost in his thoughts, Neil hadn't notice that the vacant seat beside him was no longer vacant . He turned his head to see the source of the voice.

An old woman . Clad in a yellow saree , neatly pleated and secured over her shoulders, her hair purely white , pulled back into a tight bun . On her wrinkled forehead , just between her graying brows a red Bindi and below that on her hooked nose dangled a thick framed glasses. All in all the woman though old , seemed to very particular about her attire.

" What is it , boy ?"

Neil , voice cracked , for not being used for hours now , replied ..
" Nothing "

" Well it seems to be anything but Nothing "

When Neil didn't reply , the old woman continued ,
" I have seen that look on your face . That lost look of longing "

Neil was shocked. The old woman was highly observant, given to her age .

" Nothing ..it ..it's just ...nothing " Neil answered.

" Oh is it ?"

Neil , now focused his entire attention on the woman in front of him ,

" How long have you been watching me ?"

" Weeks . I see you sitting here every Saturday, I come . You don't seen to be ill , and I haven't seen another single person with you . "

Neil was amused. Amused because he didn't know , people out there really had the time to care for others.

" Dr. Goenka is a nice lady ."

This time Neil nearly choked.
"W..who ?"

" Oh ! Don't be silly. Dr. Aarohi Goenka. She is a nice lady . You know , did really well to my knees. Goodness! You never knew how bad they pained. Anyway where was I . Oh yes! Dr. Goenka. I have seen the way you look at her . The love , the pain in your eyes . I have seen it "

" I...we had a history. Not ..not so good . It was my fault ."

" And then ...did you ask for her forgiveness?"

" Couldn't. Wanted to . But couldn't "

The old woman seemed to take a long breath ,
" Now listen to me , Young boy. Mark these words , from this old lady . You are young . You have a choice. Go up to her , persuade her , tell her the truth. Until it becomes too late "

The silence brewed between them after that. Neither of them spoke a word when suddenly the older exclaimed ,
" Aah ! There she is"
Neil looked up to see , Aarohi coming out from her cabin .
" Go boy ! Go talk to her"

And Neil with his newly found confidence walked up to her .
But that's when he remembered something.

Aaru is getting married.

His sister in law had already announced it . Would Aarohi accept him now ? Was it too late ?

Neil knew the only one who could give an answer was Aarohi herself . So with all the courage he could procure , he called out

" Aarohi "

Even in all the hustle bustle, Aarohi could recognize that voice calling her name , anywhere. That voice, she once loved to hear . She turned around .

Neil was transfixed as he gazed in to eyes to woman in front of him . It was after two years, that he was looking into those dark brown pools . His hands twitched , to go up and brush his fingers against her cheeks.

The two were lost in each other , when suddenly a voice called out ,

" Dr.Goenka, you are needed in room no. 11 , immediately "

Words left unsaid , Aarohi rushed towards thar room . And Neil , ran out of the hospital, suddenly feeling a overwhelming rush of emotions running inside him .

Once out on the streets , he spared another glance at the Hospital name Board.
That's what their hearts needed now , isn't it ?
Heal and Care.

From the author: Here's me with another update . Comment how it was.

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