● Steps to Victory

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Have you ever felt a headache which felt like a thousand elephant running through your brain. Or perhaps the blacksmith had left his iron stuffs and started hammering on your head. Or probably boxers have started using your head as their boxing bag.

With a headache such as this, Neil Birla sat in his room on a fine Tuesday morning, his head held between both his hands, eyes shut close. He couldn't reach office today and was expected to hear an earful from his boss. And that boss being none other than his own father. To the world it might seem to be a blessing, to work under your father, but Neil Birla knew the reality. Having your father as your boss , just gave you extra opportunities of getting scolded. Neil prepared himself for the evening.

Uggh! This headache! That was probably one of the many reasons he hated to drink! He wasn't completely a fresher in this one. In his college days , with the newly found courage oozing in his veins, Neil had tried a lot of times to drink. But none remained with a good memory. The every next day , Neil would find his head throbbing with pain, and himself craving for aspirin. He hated Vikram even more now. Lord!He shouldn't have taken Vikram's sayings as a challenge and instead stayed on his own will of not drinking!

But thinking about Vikram, Neil suddenly remembered his newly found mission. To bring back Vikram's lover. Wait what was the name...? Neil tried to remember.


Yes..Yes..Sitara it was ...

But Sitara What ? What was the surname?


No..No...it wasn't it. But something that starts with'C'


Wait ...Sitara Chakravarty...?

Yes! that's it ...Sitara Chakravarty!

Name found, Neil jumped out of his bed, his head held in one hand,as he began searching for his laptop. It is true he is becoming messier these days, much to his mother's complaint. Lifting up his duvet, searching up his wardrobe,his clothese disgracefuly dumped down on the floor, in that process. Neil couldn't find his laptop. Why was everything comming in between his quest to bring back Aarohi to him!

He tried to remember where could it be. Just then he got the idea of searching the oddest place his laptop could be in. His eyes went towards the adjacent door to his room, which led towards his bathroom. But the laptop couldn't possibly be there, can it? He trailed behind it, only to find his laptop kept over a plastic tool. When did he bring it here?

Once the laptop was found, he began his quest of searching. He proceeded with Facebook, considering most people to be there, but to his disdain she was not there. Not even on Instagram, Linkdeln, twitter or any other social media platforms Neil could probably think about. Then it struck to him. Was she dead? As Neil considered all such possibilities of Sitara not being on social media, a voice sounded at the door.

"Neil" It was his sister in law, Aakshara.

Neil suddenly shifted in his position, becoming nervous. His Bhabi and him were once the best of friends but in the past two years , Aakshara had opted not to talk to Neil. She had always blamed him for his sister's condition, and Neil couln't blame her for blaming him.

" Bhabi", he tried to get up, but Aakshara signaled him to remain seated.

" Here take this..." Aakshara forwarded a cup of steaming coffee, " This will help with your headache..."

Neil took the drink hurriedly. Truthfully he was not a fan of coffee, but anything to get rid of the headache! As he took a sip, Aakshara sat on his bed.

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