● Sister's love

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" The Flowers are ready ...right? The sweets? ...Kairav! Where is Kairav! ...Kairav, are the lists of the guests ready? ...Did you check the invitation cards? ..... Vansh! Vansh...what about today? Are the preparation of today's functions, ready?"

" Come'on , Bade papa, take a breath.." Aakshara Goenka exclaimed, cutting through the seemingly endless ranting of her grandfather. The said grandfather, the famous Manish Goenka, casted a look at his elder granddaughter before flopping down on the nearest sofa. Aakshara sighed as she approached him. she understood it very clearly that her grandfather didn't like being interrupted.

" Bade papa, you should take some rest. If you go by this way, you will surely get ill. And on top of that, its mehendi today and not the marriage." , Aakshara said in her usual smiling face, even though the entire prospect of Aarohi marrying Vikram didn't appealed to her anymore , like it did a month back. There were, in front of her, four lives, entangled in mess of love, fear and perhaps wrong decisions. But Aakshara couldn't talk about this to the Goenkas, at least not till Sitara arrived and everything was sorted between her and Vikram.

" Is Aaru ready?", Manish asked, to which Aakshara ,who had been lost in her thoughts, suddenly looked startled.

" I...I don't know. I didn't check in her yet.."

" No! I don't mean for today's function. I mean...is ...is she ready for the marriage?"

Aakshara looked at her grandfather. Trust Manish Goenka to notice every small details of his grandchildren. From the time they had lost their parents, Manish and his wife Swarna had taken it upon themselves to forget the mourning of losing their children and focusing on nourishing their grandson and granddaughters.

" You don't think so...?" Aakshara asked with caution. She couldn't just tell the old man in front of her, that how her sister was in a depressing situation in which she loved another man but is marrying another who in turn loves another woman. And the only reason they are marrying each other is some unspoken words and a sense of duty they feel they have towards each other.

" I think ... She still loves Neil Birla..." Aakshara tried to find any bit of contempt on Manish's face. When she didn't found any she replied,

" It wasn't actually his fault, you know."

Manish turned towards his granddaughter, trying to make out what she said right then.

" He left your sister at the altar. And you are saying, it's not his fault."

" He didn't leave her. He came back, remember? It was certain events that put him in a dilemma..."

" I have almost lost my daughter ...because of that boy.."

" And he almost lost the love of his life. ....Did..you see how devastated he was then? Or how miserable he is now?"

When Manish didn't answer, Aakshara went on to say ,

" Come on, Bade papa, you have known Neil Birla for years. He was, you have to agree, the most jovial of all of us. But do you see him smiling these days ? Do you that he has lost the spark in his eyes....."

" I just ...I want my daughter to be happy. Be it Neil or Vikram. I want her to happy, giving her the freedom of taking her own decisions. She has suffered a lot. I Just ...I just want her to be happy."

Aakshara smiled, this was almost equivalent of her bade papa, giving blessings to Neil and Aarohi for getting married. She crossed her fingers for good to happen.

" Bade papa, Aakshu" The grandfather-granddaughter duo turned their heads to see the bride to be descending from the staircase. Clad in a pastel green lehenga, the traditional colour to be worn on this special occasion, Aarohi came up to them. Her hair and makeup perfect done, her dress fitting her perfectly , she looked beautiful but the forlorn , lost expression unmistakable in her face. Manish and Aakshara exchanged worried glances.

" Aaru are you alright?" Manish asked.

' I am, trust me.." Aaru said, even though her eyes easily gave away lie. Before Manish could enquire further, he was summoned to the hall as the guests and the groom had already arrived.

" Aaru, now Bade papa , isn't here. Tell me , honestly , are you ready for this marriage?"

Aarohi looked at her sister strangely. They have fought so much, had so many issues , for so many years. Yet at times such as these, they were there to show their sisterhood.

"Aaru.... you still love Neil, na?"

Aarohi knew there was no point in lying to her sister. Her sister, always knew the truth. Always saw behind her facade. Therefore she didn't lie this time.

" Yes, Aakshu... yes I do..... I love Neil Birla. And every single minute tortures me thinking that he is out there, miserable, waiting for me."

" Then ...why don't you go to him?"

" I can't ...I can't Aakshu . I know how it feels to be left at the altar. I can't let that happen to Vikram. He is my best friend. He was helping me....I Can't do that to him..."

Suddenly Aakshara felt guilty. That day, came back to her mind, when her sister was dolling up as a bride and she ran away with her groom. Aarohi had been at fault too ,and she had paid her price. But what had she done?

As she took her sister to the hall, she promised herself that she will make it up to her sister. She will not let Aarohi commit this mistake.

Making Aarohi sit on the chair, she crouched near the woman who was supposed to put the mehendi. She gently whispered to her to make the hidden alphabet 'N' and not 'V'.

Aakshara Goenka was determined to make her sister wed the love of her life. This time, she didn't care about the groom or his love life. You call that selfish?

But that's just love that can make you do anything. And Aakshara Goenka had proved her love towards her sister many times. This time it won't be any different.

From the author: Hope you remember me and my story. It really did dishearten me to see Neirohi being ruined on the show. But alas! that's what it is! Anyway how was this update?

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