● Sunsets

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The city always looked its best during the sunset. When last orange rays kissed the tall buildings, and buildings itself glowed with that, setting a mesmerizing view. From where, Neil Birla had been seated for the past hour, it served probably the best and most romantic view of the city of Udaipur, because it was named, by the citizens, the sunset point. Neil looked at his watch, it was five, still a few minutes left before the scheduled time. Or perhaps the time he had asked Aarohi to meet him, to witness a last sunset together. Neil shook his head. No! This certainly can't be the last sunset of theirs together. He had come here with a determination and he was certain to fulfill it.

His thoughts drifted back to the talk he and Aakshara had with Sitara , the previous night.

" We met when we went to college"' Sitara had said, talking about her and Vikram," It was not a love at first sight. No! it wasn't . We both were to be engineers. But it was admiration in first sight. And unknowingly, in that four year long course, this admiration morphed into love....."

They had decided to talk over a video call. Even though Sitara had been hesitant at first, she finally gave in , given the constant persuasion of Aakshara and Neil. Thus from the mobile screen, Neil saw Sitara narrate her story. Sitara was definitely beautiful , even with tears that were swelling up her eyes , smudging away her mascara , she looked presentable enough.

" What happened then ?" Neil asked impatiently. He wanted to know what caused their separation and whether they can come back together. He was, no matter how shameful it might hear, not patient enough to hear a sobbing lady narrate how they fell in love.

Sitara looked up at the camera as if getting what Neil was implying. She therefore continued,

" Our love was all good until it came to the notice of my family. They didn't accept him. No matter how good he was. They humiliated him, while I stood there , too scared to go against my father." Sitara burst into hysterics," If ...if only I showed courage ...."

Neil sighed. 'If..only', this keyword defines so many of our lives. If only we did this , live would have been better. That regret of taking wrong decisions, the choice of not doing something . That regret which kills your living days. Neil knew it. He had faced it himself.

" They fixed my marriage .." Sitara continued," with another man..."

Neil grew tense. If Sitara is married, all his hopes would be shattered.

" But..." Sitara went on," But ..I ran away .... Never been touch with my family sine then."

" Sitara..." Aakshara asked measuring her words," Your son...?"

Sitara looked at them for a while , silently. The two on the other side, thought Sitara would dodge the question when they heard her speak,

" I know you will ask it." She sighed," I have opened up everything, Now why hide it anymore! My son...... is .. mine and Vikram's. In..fact it was thi little one inside me who gave me the courage to run away."

This was not something Neil had expected. He suddenly felt an uncanny sympathy towards the boy whom he had never met.

" Does ...Vikram know about it..?"

" No!" Sitara sighed," If only I had the courage!..."

" Why don't you speak to him now ?" Neil asked rather forcefully.

" Because its ...its too late .."

" No it isn't. That man still loves you. And if not for yourself , do it for your son! Your son deserves to know his father! His father deserves to know that he has got a son!" Neil was getting angry now.

" And for you and that girl Vikram is marrying isn't it? Isn't it too selfish , Mr. Birla?" Sitara asked scornfully.

" Yes for me and Aarohi too. If loving Aarohi is selfishness, then I am proud to declare that I am selfish! And please ...I am genuinely I am concerned about your son too. I know how it feels when the society terms you as 'illegitimate'. I know It ! How it feels not knowing the identity of your parents! So please don't ...don't ..let your son face the hell..."

Sitara looked wide eyed. Instantly regretting her previous attitude. This wasn't something she had expected.

" I ..am ..sorry.... "

When Neil didn't answer she asked," When...when is the marriage ?"

Neil smiled, he had succeeded, almost.

" I will book the plane flights , the soonest possible."

The last rays of sunlight were almost fading away when Neil heard a voice,

" I missed the sunset" , It was Aarohi. Neil smiled, as he felt her taking a seat beside him.

" Don't worry, there will be many more to see."

" Neil" Aarohi righed," You do realize that I am getting married."

Not bothering to answer Aarohi, Neil asked ," Aarohi, answer me truthfully. Do you love me?"

Aarohi couldn't make what he was upto. It would be easier to say a no, isn't it? But in that very moment Aarohi didn't want to lie. She turned towards Neil, even though it was dark now to see his face, Aarohi could make out the unmistakable glint in his eyes, something that had been missing for too long.

Ao she answered, " Yes..yes I do! More than I would have liked to "

She heard Neil chuckle beside her. "Do you trust me?" Neil asked.

" I do... Still I don't know why?"

" Then, this wouldn't be our last sunset together."

"What!" Aarohi was shocked.

" Shut up! Chipkali ! and enjoy this sunset."

From the author: Being down with fever didn't help me to write the story. But finally I am back. In the weeks that I had been gone, so many things happened. Neirohi had been made official. How are you enjoying the official Neirohi, guys?

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