● Time tells

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Wrinkles and fine lines were not something many women had the guts to show off but Suhasini Goenka didn't belong to that the category. She was , indeed, too proud of all these that had carved around her skin ratifying her old age . According to her these were the marks of her experience- a proof of being more knowledgeable than all her younger ones . The hands of her had nourished her children , their children and then her great grand children .

Her eyes had witnessed many incidents. The deaths of her grandchildren perhaps the most torturous ones. These eyes have witnessed her family falling apart and then reuniting again , thousands of fights and then their make up . And these were the same eyes that have fixated upon a strange sight . Or rather a sight that had been missing in these two years - Aaru and her rebellious nature. That turmulous period two years back ....Suhasini would rather not think about it.

Today Morning had been rather eventful with the sudden appearance of some guests. With Aaru , suddenly becoming the Aaru , she was two years back . The way she had pulled poor Vikram by his collar and dragged him with her ! Goodness! Suhasini always felt that her youngest great grandchild seriously needed some anger management classes.

But again then , it felt good to see the old version of Aaru . The quiet , forlorn woman that she had become ,was not her. Her Aaru was a ball of fire , rebellious and ferocious just like Kartik had always wanted her to be . And on top of that , adding to all these joys , was the reappearance of Vikram .

Vikram! Oh , she loved that boy . Being a classmate of Aaru during her school days , he was a regular visitor at the Goenka Mansion. The boy had won over all their hearts very soon . Aarohi and Vikram had been friends- best of friends. Like the ones who always stayed together. That mischievous duo had often led themselves to trouble
resulting in parent's call from the school. But then came the day , they parted their ways . While Aarohi went on to become a doctor, Vikram went to Delhi to pursue Engineering. But they still maintained their friendship.

What shocked her most was Vikram coming back after so many years that too with a marriage proposal for Aaru . Suhasini had then casted a look at Aarohi to know whether she knew anything about it . But from the expression she held , she had deduced the Aarohi was as shocked as she was now. Though she was not sure about Aarohi's acceptance , she did notice that Aarohi didn't deny it straight away . Instead she had pulled Vikram by his collar , taken him by the glass partition and the two were now , as Suhasini presumed , were engaged in a heated conversation.

Out of Suhasini aka her Mimi's earshot , Aarohi Goenka was fiercely charging at the man in front of her . The man , clean shaved , tall , hair neatly trimmed , wearing a crisp ironed shirt , looking picture perfect , was beholding a rather amused expression.

" I don't understand you , Vikram " Aarohi had started ," one day , considering you as my friend, I pour my heart out to you , telling you how my family is getting too anxious for me to marry and you assure me of a solution . But the very next day , you come to my house , ask my hand for marriage. THIS is your solution ?"

Vikram smiled at his friend . Oh! Aaru had always been too impulsive.

" of course , this is the solution. Your family wants your marriage, my family wants mine . So let's just get married and fulfill their wishes " .

" you know we wouldn't make a good couple "

" of course we will , we were the best duo at school."

" that was school. We were kids . We're friends . THAT was different. "

" No , it's not . See , with our families , marriage would be inevitable. So I had thought it would be better, if we marry each others instead of marrying some stranger ."

" Marriage is not so easy , Vick "

Vikram , sighed . Aaru had always been the toughest to come around .

" Look Aaru . If we marry , we can be happy . We know each other understand each . We will be happy . We can go to any part of the world , settle there , live a life full of video games , movies take away food and of course our jobs . Just like we envisioned when we we were young ."

" we were young back then . You know , naive ."

" I remember you telling me the same thing when we were twenty . And twenty isn't too young "

Aarohi laughed.
" Things have changed since then . I have been ..."

" left at the altar twice " Vikram completed.

" Yes" Aarohi was beaking down.
" But that doesn't mean that you will be going around , moping and mourning your entire life . I have been rejected by thousands of Women" Vikram joked.

When Aarohi didn't look up , Vikram continued,
" Look , I am not forcing you . But rather asking you to give my idea a thought."

Aarohi smiled ." Okay..."

The two were about to join the family when Aarohi suddenly paused.
" But ...but what if you fall in love with someone and leave me "
Vikram 's deamaneur changed. Suddenly he became a bit serious, a change that didn't go unnoticed by Aarohi.

" That won't be the case . And I promise you Aaru that I won't leave your hand. Until, you want me to."

Unknown to them , they were being watched by a certain pair of eyes . Suhasini found some life returning to Aaru's eyes.
Something was changing she knew for sure.

How , what or why -
These were for the the time to tell.

From the author: Finally completed 10 chapters . Comment which one had been your favorite so far.

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