● Romeos and Juliets

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As discussed earlier Mr.Birla, let's just meet ,tonight at Parlo's tonight shall we.

The message as it flashed upon Neil Birla's moblie screen, showed that the sender's moblie number was not saved on his phone. But it just took him seconds to figure who it might be.

Mr. Vikram Sharma.

Thinking about his very name, made his stomach churn and Neil would then and there want to puke out all his disgust. Such was his abhorrence towards this man who was marrying Aarohi. Neil scrunched his nose as he read the message. How the hell, did he get his number. Perhaps he sneaked it from Aarohi's phone. A few minutes into a conversation with the man, and Neil had realized that anything can be expected from him. But that didn't matter now. What did was why did Vikram want to meet him? What can be his motive?

With the burning curiosity in mind, Neil Birla stood in front of the dazzling gate of entrance to Parlo's. He pushed open the gate to this small restaurant, to find the interiors equally dazzling. The walls were covered in a wooden styled tiles, matching on the floor. There were approximately ten tables, with four or two chairs. An old man , dressed as a waiter was serving them. At the farthest corner was the drinks section. The inside , though buzzing with customers on a Monday night,was somewhat old and worn out. From what Neil could understand most of the customers were college dwellers and that was perhaps because of the cheap prices the hotel held. A strange place to choose for someone who is marrying to one of the richest familes in Udaipur!

Scanning through the crowd , Neil had found the one he was searching for. Sitting near the drinks section , Clad in a black t shirt and jeans was that despicable man who had called him here. As Neil went up to him, the man said,

" I thought you will never show up!"

Neil took a seat beside him, his face serious as he asked him

" Why did you call me?"

" To talk , to have drinks, much like a bachelor party."

" But we...you and me ..we are not friends."

" Oh! com'n Neil! We know enough of each other to call ourselves friends!"

Neil looked at the man awfully. This man surely had the powers to get on peoples's nerves. How on this earth, did Aarohi manage to get a bestfriend like this man!

" Oh! Do you know? Parlo's serve the best of the drinks in Udaipur! Here...have this one..this is the best."

" I have said you earlier, Mr. Sharma, I don't drink"

" Oh! We are friends and it is Vikram for you! And its always a first time. at least give it a try."

Neil sat silently. He had always been nervous about trying things. Just like he nervous , or to be said scared, about trying to speak to Aarohi, in the past two years . If only he had shown some guts, if only he had walked up to her, then this wouldn't have the situation.

As he looked at sizzling liquid in the transparent glass kept in front of him, he recalled what Vikram said just now. At least give it a try. To try was the best thing in the world. Not the results , they are unpredictable, but the trial, that is important.

He took the glass in his hands and gulped the liquid in one go. The drink went past to his stomach almost burning his esophagus , leaving him in a fits of cough that followed.

" Com'on. Take it easy man!"Vikram came to his rescue.

" No..no ..I'm all right! Can I get another one?"

And at that Vikram flashed a successful smile.

An hour later and a few more more drinks later, both of them sat rather tipsy on their seats.

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