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"ChenChen!" Lay said while skipping towards the kitchen, hugging his brother from behind.

"Yah hyung! You almost scare the daylight out of me!" Chen said and turns around.

"Hehe mianhae!" Lay said and smiled. "What are you doing anyway?" He asked.

"Nothing." Chen said and secretly hiding his tablet under the counter.

"You can't fool me you know." Lay said and reach out, grabbing Chen's arm and yank it out from under the counter.

"Hyung!" Chen whimpers when Lay stole his tablet away from him.

"How to bake cookies?" Lay reads the page that was open on Chen's tablet and stares at Chen. "You're baking?" He asked.

Chen reached out and grabbed his tablet back and sticks out his tongue at Lay.

"Ooh... I see, Christmas is coming and so... You're making cookies for me?" Lay asked and Chen rolled his eyes.

"Hyung, you can make yours yourself." He said.

"So, they're not for me." Lay said and squints his eye. "Who is he?" He asked.

"No one!" Chen said and blushed.

"Ah... So you're not telling me?" Lay asked and walked closer towards Chen.

"I just want to eat it myself." Chen said, not looking into Lay's eyes.

"Uh huh..." Lay said and move his face closer towards Chen.

"Alright fine!" Chen said and pushes Lay away. "You win!" He said and Lay started dancing his little victory dance. "It's someone from your class."

"Who is it? Wait, let me guess...." Lay said and pokes his chin, thinking. "Ah, Suho?" He asked.

Chen shakes his head. "I don't want to be killed by a panda that knows Wushu, so no."

"Hmm... Ah! Luhan?" Lay said and pokes Chen's cheeks. "You're so dead if Sehun knows this." Lay said.

"No, not him." Chen said and continues scrolling down his tablet.

"I give up, tell me." Lay said and sits on the counter. "Who, oh who is the guy that has stolen our ChenChen's heart?"

"You said that you wanted to guess." Chen said and let out an evil smirk. "Well, guess!"

"But I don't know! Just give me another clue!" Lay whines when he saw the evil smirk on Chen's face.

"He plays soccer." Chen said and laughed.

"Half of my class plays soccer." Lay said and rolled his eyes.

"Well then, admit something and then I'll tell you!" Chen said.

"Fine! What do you want to know?" Lay asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Hmm... Kris hyung, you have a crush on him right?" Chen asked with his eyebrows rose.

"Wha... Who told you that?" Lay asked, blushing.

"I have my ways." Chen said and smiles cheekily. "Admit it hyung, I know everything!"

"Fine, fine. Yes, I like him okay? There, you have your answer, your turn!"

"Ha. Guess." Chen said and Lay immediately gave him a head lock.

"Yah, yah. Tell me now or else..."

"Let go!" Chen said and hit Lay's arms. "I'll tell, I'll tell!"

Lay lets go with a victory smile. "Now talk."

"Fine! It's Xiumin hyung." Chen said, massaging his neck.

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