Best Boyfriend Ever

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Kris looks at Yixing, laying on the hospital bed. He's hurt. His heart hurts, his head hurts and he hates it. He hates it when Yixing is hurt. He felt that it was his fault for not protecting him enough. He blames himself, the one that he had loved so dearly is hurt.

"Kris...?" Yixing opens his eyes and called for Kris.

"Yes? I'm here." Kris said and grabbed Yixing's hand.

"I'm sorry." Yixing said.

Tears formed in Kris's eyes. "No, it's my fault..." He said. "It's my fault..."

"Kris..." Yixing said and wipes Kris's tears away. "It's my fault. You're not to blame."

"Yixing..." Kris said and buries his face into Yixing's hands.

A few hours ago, Kris and Yixing were walking down the street where Yixing lives, Kris was dropping Yixing home, as usual.

"Lock your doors okay? It's late already." Kris said.

"I will." Yixing said. "I'm not a baby anymore." He smiled.

"You are in my eyes." Kris said. "My baby~" He said and laughed.

The two of them said goodbye and Kris walked back home. Yixing stood outside, looking at Kris's back. He turned around and unlock his door and while he was fumbling about, looking for his keys, someone grabbed him from behind and place a cloth over his mouth. Yixing struggled and he inhaled and the next thing he remembered was him slumping into his attacker's arm.

When he next opened his eyes, he was tied on his own bed. There's tape over his mouth so he can't scream, there are ropes tying his hands and legs together. He can't move, he can't escape. Yixing is scared, he couldn't do anything but shout from the inside.

"Kris where are you?" He thought. "Kris, save me! Kris HELP!"

The door opened, Yixing looked over to the door and his eyes widen with fear. It was not Kris, it was that crazy stalker he told Kris about. He told Kris that he felt that someone was following him and so that's why Kris was walking him home every night.

"You are mine now..." The stalker said. "MINE AND MINE ALONE!" He said and smirked creepily.

Yixing shook his head vigorously. He resisted and tried to break free.

"There's no use, no one is here to save you... Not even your puny boyfriend!" The stalker said and laughed like a maniac.

He climbed on Yixing and began unbuttoning Yixing's clothes. Yixing twist and turn to resist him. He tried flopping like a fish to push him off but there was no use. The stalker was too strong for Yixing. He finished unbuttoning his shirt and began to take off Yixing's pants. He was wearing jeans and it took him a while to unbutton it. He then got off the bed and started to unbound Yixing's legs. And then he climbed back onto Yixing.

"In a few moments, you will be mine." He said with a creepy voice.

Yixing closed his eyes as he kisses his neck and chest. He hated it. It disgusts him.

"Kris... Where are you?" Yixing was already crying. He didn't want to do this with some stranger, he only wants Kris.

His phone suddenly rang. It was Kris. The stalker got distracted for a moment and he looked up. Yixing took the opportunity to kick him in the balls. The stalker yelped in pain and he grabbed his crotch.


Yixing jumped off the bed and tried to run but the stalker grabbed Yixing's arm and Yixing can't escape his iron grip. He's too strong. He pushes Yixing back onto the bed and pinned him down, he then punched Yixing on the face a few times.

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