C10: Murderer

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It was nighttime now, and Zim had to clean up his assistant's waffle syrup that was splattered on the kitchen floor.

"Gir! Clean up this mess!" Zim commanded, disgusted by the mess that was in his way.

Gir came running in the kitchen and yelled out "Yes sir!" And grabbed soap and a rag. Zim sat on the couch worridley. Were the tallest coming at midnight? Are they coming tomorrow during school? He had a lot of unanswered questions. But they would be answered when the tallest arrive.

Zim wanted to smack himself.

"Computer, is my PAK complete?"

"Yeah, why?" The computer asked like it was some sort of teen. Zim decided to ignore the computers question and think of the outcomes of his actions.

"I need to plan this out in the lab." Zim said to himself and flushed himself down the toilet.


The rest of the day, Zush just 'relaxed' and closed his eyes. Was he relaxing or really just sleeping? After all, Irkens sleep, not 'rest', when in pain.

As Zush fell deeper into his sleep, his disguise wore off.

The raven haired boy looked out into the cold, starry night and wondered what Zim was doing. They hadn't talked since Dib took Zim home and Dib was worried about Zim since.

The boy then looked at the peaceful Irken for a few minutes. Dib took bless how Zush slept. He twitched his antennae every minute and wiggled his leg. What an amazing yet unusual way of sleeping. Dib thought.

Dib then thought of the tied up Irken regaining his strength and attacking him. I have to get rid of him... Dib thought.

Dib went downstairs towards the kitchen where he was stopped by Gaz, who surprisingly wasn't playing her GameSlave.

"What do you want Gaz?" Dib asked, crossing his arms. Gaz, who we all know and love said, in a demanding tone, "Did you take my GameSlave?

Dib paused for a moment, processing what she just said. "What would I even use it for?" Dib spat. Gaz gritted her teeth and said "Fine. But if you took it..." She put her fist towards Dib chin and continued. "... I'll punch your chin until it's swollen."

"Alright..." Dib said, obviously uncomfortable with what his sister just said. Gaz lowered her fist, and shouldered her own brother on the way out. "Yeesh." Dib mumbled, and went over to a drawer.

The human boy opened the drawer to reveal a big, shiny knife. Dib grabbed it and sighed. Could he really do this?

Once Dib was in his room again he saw the alien laying on the floor, curled up into a ball. Dib kneeled over to the alien and whispered "This'll all be over." And did what he had to do.

Stabbing Zush's PAK five times was enough for Dib. When he touched the irkens forehead, it was cold. Zush's skin turned into a pale color of green, and his antennaes were lowered.

Dib didn't know what to do now. Dib moved Zush with his foot, into the closet. Should he just leave him there?

Then he heard something knocking on his bedroom door.

"Gaz, I don't have your GameSlave!" Dib shouted, quickly closing the closet. The door opened and Dib saw an unexpected face.

"Tak? W-where have you been?!" Dib yelled, happily yet angrily.

Tak had leaves and branches in her wig, her face scratched up and she looked incredibly tired. Her lenses were fine although.

"I landed somewhere in the forest, and some animals attacked me. It took me days to get here, so be grateful in the least." Tak spat.

"What happened to your spaceship?"

"It's fine. I put it in your garage." Tak said, answering Dib's question. Dib chuckled when Tak said garage. She made it sound like 'gay-rage.'

Dib's laughter soon faded away when he remembered he had just murdered someone.

Tak closed the door behind Dib and sat down in his chair. "Soo.. Did you rescue Zim?" She asked.

"Yeah..." Dib mumbled. "What is that smell?.. Dib... Is that Irken blood?" Tak asked uncertaintly. Dib opened the closet to reveal Zush bleeding out his PAK. Tak slowly got up from the chair to the closet.

"Who... What..." Tak sniffled, her hand on her mouth.

Dib took a  deep breath before explaining. "That's Zush. Basically, he tried to kill me and Zim. What should I do with him?"

"First thing tomorrow, throw him into the sun." Tak replied, removing her hand from her mouth. "I need to rest." Tak said as Dib shut the closet.

"You can just say 'sleep' you know? It's nothing big-" Dib stated but got cut off by Tak saying "Same thing." And went onto Dib's chair to sleep.

"I should do the same." Dib mumbled to himself and slid into bed, under the blanket.

Dib closed his eyes and whispered "Good night Zim."

So sorry that this is short! I didn't have enough time to make this.. But I love you for still reading!!

841 words!

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