C12: Zim's Death Story

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"Ugh! How are we supposed to get out?" Dib asks Gaz and Tak.

Dib kicks the door. "Let us out you bastards!!" Dib yells in a fighting stance. Tak then says "I can fake a seizure."

"Then what?" Gaz asks, folding her arms.

"Then I attack the guards who come to help with my PAK and we quietly yet quickly escape. There is a loose wall somewhere in the halls and I can just push it with my bare hands and it'll fall." Tak spat, feeling underestimated.

"But how, exactly do you plan on getting back to Earth?" Dib asks. "Yeah..." Gaz mumbled.

"Ah, the ships." Tak said outloud, not giving a who-now if a guard heard her.

Tak then whispered to them "There is a ship somewhere in sector six. I've seen it before when I was taking in a prisoner."

Dib then raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to get the ship?" He asked, pointing to Tak. "Yeah, after all your the only one who knows where it is." Gaz stated.

Tak thought about it for a second before saying "New plan. I will fake a seizure and the guards will come after me. I'll attack them, yes, but you two follow me while I get the ship. Then we fly the ship, which the door opens up and we'll be able to fly back to Earth."

"That's not a bad idea." Gaz said. "Great. Now you two go to the side of the door."
Tak said smiling.

"Which side do you want us to go-?" Dib stupidly asked, and got a slap across his face from Tak. "Owww..." Dib said, rubbing his hand against his bruised cheeck. "Only I can do that." Gaz threatened and went to the right side of the door as Dib followed.

Tak blushed. She never thought a human would threaten her. She found it... Rather attractive.


Zim safely made it into the house with his son. Oh sorry did I say son? I meant Gir. Yes Gir, his assistant.

Zim made his way to the voot cruiser while Gir held his hand.

Zim put his left foot first into the vehicle when suddenly, Gir held Zim's right leg. "Don't leave!!" Gir cried out. Zim clicked his tounge and removed his leg from the spaceship.

Zim kneeled down and placed his hand onto Gir's right cheeck.

"Don't cry... I'll be back real soon... Before you know it in fact. But you need to do this, Gir. You need to. For me?" Zim asked, faking a chuckle at the end. Gir sadly nodded and let go of Zim.

Zim removed his hand from Gir's cheek and went into the voot cruiser. He sat down on the chair and before he closed the hatch, he turned to Gir and said "Thank you."

Gir moved back a little then sat down on the floor and started to cry. Zim ignored Gir's cries, for he had a mission to do. A mission not by the Tallests but by he and his friends.

He sighed and the roof opened up. He then flew up to go to Moop-ing 10, also known as Space Prison. He was going to save Dib and his friends. He only thought he was going to save Dib since he saved him.

Zim would have a lot of questions stored up in his mind, but little did we know, the main question he thinks of when he makes his breakfast, put his disguise on, sleep, talk, walk, and breath, he thinks of why Dib saved him.

He turned around to wave goodbye to Gir and smiled. Zim looked back ahead and flew straight up.

Once Zim was in space, he used up all the power from his voot cruiser and flew him, as fast as possible, to Moop-ing 10. His voot cruiser was so fast, in fact he made it in less than three minutes.

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