C2: Repairing

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It was a beautiful day, the sunset was setting, the birds were chirping and oh- what's this?

A boy with zig zagged hair and a tiny robot were in their garage talking to a certain someone.

"I only help Tak!" The spaceship said.

"And Master?" Gir asked with a smile. "No." Tak's spaceship replied. Dib suddenly came up with an amazing idea. "Tak's spaceship, er, if you help us, we'll get Tak back. I'm sure you can locate her." Tak's spaceship thought about it and said "Alright. Zim is by Planet Ritburt. But you need to fix my engine." "Yes!" Dib cheered.


The Tallest were giving Zim attention and affection more then he needed. As The Tallest continued to stroke Zim's antennae, Zim's moans grew louder. Red and Purple giggled while touching him. "My Tallest~.. S-stop..~" Zim moaned. Red and Purple did one last stroke before stopping. "Did you enjoy it Zim?" Tallest Red asked with a smirk on his face. Zim liked it, but he didn't like who was doing it to him. Zim nodded as Purple sat Zim down onto his lap.

"Here, Zim." Purple said and gave Zim a donut.

As Zim ate the donut, he could hear Purple and Red arguing over him.

"Let me have him, Purple!"

"No way, you had him five years ago!" Purple spat.

Zim finished his donut and wasn't sure if he should move or not. When he decided to move, Red grabbed his shirt and held Zim by his collarneck. "My Zim!" Red growled. "Hey!!" Purple yelled. "Do I have a say in this?" Zim asked softly which resulted in Red's and Purple's unstable glare. Obviously, it meant no.

"C-can I use the bathroom?" Zim asks awkwardly. Red put Zim down and pointed the direction to the bathroom. "Go straight and take a left" he said. Once Zim locked the bathroom door, he had a mental breakdown on the floor. He enjoyed being touched by his antennaes and can't resist the temptation.

He doesn't know how to reject The Tallest.

"Zim is taking long in there..." Red said worridly. Purples antennae twitched when he heard Zim's silent cries. "He's crying!" He yelled. "Zim, open the door" Red demanded. "Baby please" Purple whined. Zim got up and wiped his eyes and opened the door.

"Zim, you look horrible" Red said, crouching in front of Zim, who just looked away. Purple stood behind Red and kneeled down. "What's wrong?" asked Purple. Zim had to come up with a perfect excuse so the Tallest don't throw him off the ship.

"I-i missed you guys so much I guess I cried.." Zim said nervously, feeling his eyes getting wet. "Oh, Zim..." Purple said, hugging his little body, as Red did the same.

"You don't have to cry, we're here now, aren't we?" said Red. "I'm s-sorry" Zim said, crying into The Tallests arms. "Shhh" Purple said in a motherly voice while Red patted Zim's forehead.

Red carried Zim onto the couch and laid him down. Then he gave him a pillow and a blanket.

"Go to sleep" Purple said softly. "But Irkens don't need sleep" Zim said confused. "We know, but your in pain. So we want you to sleep" Red said calmly. "A-alright..." The tiny alien said.


"That's it, now hop in." The human said. "C'mon Gir" Dib said proudly. "Okie dokie!" The robot said, jumping on the seat. "Sit down Gir" Dib demanded. "Oki" the idiotic robot replied and sat down. "Let's go!" Dib said proudly.
"Why isn't it working?" Dib asked. "You forgot to give my engine fuel and you need to add a scrap of metal under- neath me." The smart ship said. "Ughhh" Dib groaned. "Now Zim's at Planet Forblas." The spaceship spat.

This was going to be a long day.

"How do I give you.. 'Fuel'"? Dib asked, hoping he had the tools he needed to give Tak's ship fuel. "You need oil. Duh." The ship spat. "Stupid human." Dib yelled in anger and kicked the nearest can.

"How am I supposed to get oil?!" Dib yelled. Then he thought for a moment. "How much does oil cost?"

"I'd say about 20$ in Urth." Tak's ship replied. "It's Earth" Dib said, face- palming himself. "Wait. I have 67$. That should be enough!" Dib squealed.

"And I have a waffle" Gir said.
When Dib finished buying two cans of oil he went straight to the garage. "It costed 30$." He said angrily at the ship.

"Not my fault." The ship replied as Dib got to work but suddenly stopped. "I forgot to ask... How much oil do you even need?" Dib asked. "One can should do." The spaceship answered.

Once Dib filled up Tak's spaceship, he then said "It's dark." The spaceship blankly responded "Get your human rest." "Yay, sleep!" The robot cheered.

"I can't."

"Yes you can. Your human. Right?" The ship asked, scanning him to make sure.
"Yup, your human all right. Go to bed. Nothing's stopping you." Dib got angry when the spaceship said that. "Zim is out there! I need to save him and-"

"Why do you need to save him? Didn't he like, try to destroy you?" When Tak's ship said that, Dib didn't understand why he was doing this at all. Didn't he hate Zim? Dib was deep in thought until the ship said "You like Zim."

Dib blushed and yelled "W-wha?!" "It's true. Your Zim's mate." The ship stated.
Dib couldn't deny it. "Yeah.. It's true." Dib said, scratching the back of his head.

"You can continue tomorrow, Dib. Just go to bed." Dib nodded and left.

"Hey Mary, where do I sleep?" Gir asked, taking off his doggy disguise. "Come on my bed" Dib smiled. Gir happily came onto the bed and powered down. Dib smiled and drifted off to sleep.


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