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The Joshua Hong. Was on top of me. He slowly rolled off so that he is sitting next to me. He was looking at me the whole time. 

"I am so sorry. I didn't see you." I began rambling. This isn't happening right now. I looked at him and he gave me a soft smile. 

"Hey don't stress. It's fine. I should have looked where I was walking as well. So really no worries." He gave a soft laugh. His eyes crunched up cutely and his voice is so smooth from this close. I am not gonna make it.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sorry." He stood up before me and then reached his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up. I nearly stumbled over again.

"Easy there," he chuckled," It seems to me like your a clumsy girl." How can I not be when the dude I like , who is also extremely handsome, is still holding my hand. 

"Haha, Yeah." I said back. Really that's my response. He was still holding my hand and smiling at me while I try to find the words I have swallowed. 

"So what's your name." He started the conversation. He also started dragging me along to somewhere. Not that I mind really, I just can't promise I will be able to talk correctly. 

"My name is Mia. Mia Sheryingston." I told him. My voice much softer than when I talked to Nathen and Sun-Ji. He looked me in fascination.

"Wow. That's so pretty. I'm Joshua. Well actually Jisoo Hong. But you can call me Joshua." He said. He was so friendly up close. I almost wanted to say I know , but I am sure that it would have been weird. 

He pulled me along a much more narrow road. There was barely anyone here. The only other people were two elderly people at end of the road a head of us. The road was made from those small white rocks they always used in plants and gardens. On both sides of the road there were cherry blossoms perfectly place I a straight line. 

We reached the end of the road and stopped for a moment. The first thing I see was the giant sign that said 'Tiger's Food and Friends'. This place really was made for Hoshi.

"This place reminds my of a good friend of mine." He said with a smile on his face. 

"Who Hoshi?" I said. Oh No. I gotta start thinking before I speak.

"Oh. You are aware of us?" He asked me with an amused smiled directed towards me. 

"Uhm. Yes I am. I didn't want to tell you earlier because I didn't want to come off as weird." I told him honestly. His face features turned into something much more sincere after hearing that. I could feel my ears starting to burn. I looked down. I then realized that I am not wearing the clothes I had worn before they were much more soft. I was wearing a soft baby blue cotton sweater with some white pants and a pare of white sneakers. No wonder I felt so free when moving. 

Joshua took my hand in his again and pulled me along with him to the front of the building.

"Do you think you have some time for food?" He asked in some type of playful voice. He wiggled his eyebrows. This dude. I just laughed softly at him.

"I am always up for some food." I said bright smile still plastered on my face.

He pulls me inside and I was in aw. The place was so cute. There were small animals walking around. Even a cute tiger. We went to the far back side and sat in the corner. A middle aged lady came up to us and gave us a menu. She had long black hair. And sharp blue eyes. Was a tall dark skinned women. And she looked great. You go girl. She looked like she could be a business women. A CEO perhaps? 

"Hello and welcome to Tigers food and friends. Hope you guys will enjoy the food here. Eat as much as you would like and I am sure you know the rules by now and if you wanna make friends just go around and talk to everyone. We are all friends in any way. Please enjoy I will be back soon to take your orders." She said with a confident smile. Yeah definitely CEO vibes.

"So Mia. Where are you from?" He asked as we were scanning the menus. They literally have everything here. From sushi all the way to biltong to Tteobokki to taco's. 

"I'm from Liyue." I told him. I looked at him for a second and managed to catch his small curious smile on time. 

"Oh? Is that in Japan or somewhere a long the line of Asia." He asked confused and intrigued.

 "No," I laughed lightly. "It's a small town on an island between south African and Australia." I told him.

"Oh that makes a lot sense." he said nodded his head to his statement.

Confused I asked him," How so?" He just laughed.

"Because hot people usually come from hot places." He said grinning widely. Oh my word this dude. I felt how I was turning blazing red. The audacity of this one. He just laughed a little more. he then took one of my hands in his. The friendly women came back soon after. I ended up taking some pasta and Joshua took friend chicken.

"So tell me a bit about yourself." He said while leaning forward with his entire attention on me. 

"Well as you know I am from Liyue. My favorite music genre is K-pop. I am a Christian. I like reading and I hope to fulfill my dreams one day." I told him in all honesty.

He just smiled at me and then our food came. And listen. I am not pickish with food. I promise. But you'll never find me eating anything , anywhere else ever again. Good was understatement.

After we were done eating Joshua lead me out of the place and towards the end of the town. It's easy to kidnap someone here, now isn't it.

"How was the food?" He started the conversation. We were still walking to I Have No Idea Where

"It was absolutely amazing. Really." I said. I had a big smile on my face. We continued walking. we were getting closer to the forest on the opposite side from where I woke up. We came to a stop when we were near a big tree on top of a cliff. We sat down.

"Wait hold up." Joshua said and sprang up. "Stay right here. I'll be back." And he ran along the same road we came.

It gave me some time to observe my surroundings. It was beautiful. The cliff was above a water cave. There was a river flowing out and it lead to the sea. Here where I sat I had the most perfect view of the sunset. I didn't even realize that it was starting to turn into night time, but there was still some time left. This place truly left me speechless.

So far this place has stunned me. And kept me smiling for the most part. I didn't even know that , that was possible. I can feel how my cheeks are aching with the amount I have smiled today. It was a long day as well. So many new people. So many new things.

And I am not complaining one bit. I heard footsteps running back.

"I'm back. Sorry if I took to long." He said as he sat down. He had a rose in his hand. A beautiful white rose. He reached out with his empty hand and cupped my cheek. He then placed the rose on my ear.

"There we go." He said and looked straight into my eyes. So many sparks and butterflies got loose that I had the urge to curl into myself but I didn't. Something in his eyes just kept me there still. Smiling and liking this place even more.

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