Chapter 25

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We didn't drive for very long. Half an hour at most. I was completely fine with silence, but I could tell this silence was deliberate and designed to keep me from knowing anything. Them leaving anyone behind for dead didn't seem so far a stretch now. Negan said I was to come back on this run, but maybe on a different day they would decide they didn't want me to tag along anymore. I needed to show them that I wasn't going to be pushed around.

We slowed near what looked to be an old high-school. I looked over confused at the building. It had to be picked over already, unless they were looking for something specific.

The men all got out of the car and I followed, grabbing my pack and sliding it over my left shoulder. They gathered near the trunk and opened it to show their stash of bags and weapons. They spoke quietly as Ryan handed out handguns to his brothers. I stepped forward and held out my hand for mine and he just looked at me and laughed.

"You think you're getting a gun on your first outing; you've got another thing coming princess." The other men laughed and I glared at him. "I heard you have a knife on you, what's it look like?"

I reached into my left boot and pulled the pocketknife out. They all laughed again. "Well. that'll be your weapon. Hope you know how to use it." Ryan turned and grabbed a pack from the trunk and slipped it over his shoulders.

"You fucking kidding me? What if we get surrounded? How am I supposed to save your asses?" More laughter.

"Princess, you'll be saving no one's ass I can guarantee that." Shepherd said from being me. "Just stay out of the way and let us do our thing. We don't need another one of you so-called scavengers out here with us, let alone a fucking woman."

I swung around to face the man. "You better pray you don't need your ass saved, because I will not be the one to do it. Leave you out here like I've heard you do to the others." His eyes narrowed and he took a step forward so that we were only inches apart.

"Imagine what we do to people we don't like. Lots of things worse than being left behind, princess" Matt came over and put his hand on his brother's shoulder and gently guided him away from me.

"Keep your voices down. You two will draw the dead. You." He pointed to Shepherd. "Negan said one piece so leave it. And you" He turned towards me, making me furrow mt brow. "Stop trying to pick fights. You want to be a part of our group, then act like it." I pressed my lips together and looked down, nodding slightly to let him know that I understood. "Now, we're going to split into two groups and pick apart the school. Anything interesting put in your pack, anything large we'll save for the end so we can all move it, got it." Matt looked around and we all nodded. "Shep and Ryan you guys upstairs. Me and Jesse downstairs. Walkies on." Shepherd grabbed a walkie from his belt and turned the knob and Matt did the same.

"Radio if any trouble." Ryan and Shepherd nodded. I slipped my small knife into my pocket and followed the men as they walked towards the building. The sun was fully risen by this point and the sky was clear, making it easy to see the area around the school. A few dead ones roamed the yard, but we stayed near the tree line to avoid any unwelcome attention. If we could get away with no interactions, the better off we would be. We crossed the courtyard and quietly made our way along the side of the building.

We came across a side door and Ryan held open the door as Matt led us into the building. I was half expecting a dozen locked up walkers to come tumbling out, but it was calm and quiet. He jerked his head to let us know to follow and I grabbed my knife out of my pocket, flipping it open just in case. Shepherd went before me and Ryan followed me into the building, closing the door shut behind. Matt said something to Shepherd and he turned and motioned for Ryan to follow him. The two men went ahead and went to find a way to the upper level of the building.

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