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Chloé's POV:

I woke up with a small smile on my lips, the sun blinded my eyes as I stretched my limbs on the couch. I didn't think sleeping on it would be so comfortable! I shifted slowly and pulled the blanket to the side.

As I rubbed my eyes to get rid off of the sleep, I remembered the events from yesterday and my smile widened. I definitely didn't expect such a cool night, it was my first fun time since we moved to Amsterdam.

I stood up and made my way to Martin's room. After I opened his door slowly and quietly, I glanced over to his big bed and assumed he was still sleeping. I couldn't make out a lot, all I could see was his left arm and the top of his head with ruffled hair that looked much darker now in this dimmed light.

I closed the door again and considered what to do next. The clock above the huge flat screen TV displayed the time: almost 11am. Spontaneously I decided to go to the bathroom and make myself ready for the day quickly, putting on my outfit from yesterday.

As I entered the kitchen, I thought of surprising Martin with a breakfast. He was really cute last night, giving me his clothes and talking to me nicely.

He's more than just cute.

I sighed and cursed inwardly because of my stupid thoughts, opening the refrigerator and taking out some eggs and fruits. I knew that pancakes weren't a culinary masterpiece, but as long as they're tasty and looked good it would be fine. And I didn't think Martin would be too picky when it came to food.

Ten minutes later, I put three perfectly formed golden pancakes on each of the two white plates and decorated the meals with some raspberries and a shot of maple syrup. Balancing the plates on one of my hand and opening the door with the other one, I entered Martin's room for the second time today.

He didn't make the impression of being already awake, so I placed the pancake plates carefully on the desk with his computer and speakers, and turned around to his bed, before raising the blinds on the windows.

Martin was laying on his side, the blanket covered his body below the chest, his brown hair shining in a very beautiful golden shade, as he quietly snored and seemed to murmur something.

I giggled and took a few steps closer to the bed, bending a bit over and putting my hands on my knees, so I could have a better look at his face.

He was sleeping so peacefully, his lips slightly curved into a smile, as if he had a good dream, and his thick black eyelashes would make every girl jealous.

"Martin.", I spoke softly, unable to cover my own smile.

I heard a stifled moan and he shifted a bit, but stayed in his position.

Hm, I thought, he doesn't seem like a morning person.

I moved even closer, his as pleasant as delicate cologne radiating from his body, and called his name one more time.

As he didn't move again, I frowned and touched his forearm softly, caressing it with my fingertips.

"Martin, I made breakfast for us."

His eyes opened slightly, his smile evolving into a large smirk.

"Not a bad view.", he said in his sleepy raspy voice, not even hiding his glances into my cleavage.

I stood up straight and brought the two plates to his bed.

"Am I in heaven?", he asked, sitting up and revealing his toned chest completely, as he took the plate and began to stuff his mouth with pancakes.

"They're yummy!", he said with his mouth full. I smiled a bit and took a seat on the desk chair, eating my pancakes in complete silence.

As we finished breakfast, I did the dishes while Martin went to shower. I was just about to go and sit down on the big couch in the living room, when I suddenly felt a tight grip on my hips.

"Good job, maid.", he whispered into my ear and I could literally hear his smirk.

"I'm not your maid!", I answered and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Please, I just showered.", Martin pleaded and looked into my cleavage with big eyes once again. I groaned loudly and asked what he wanted to do.

"Help me with this stuff?" He pointed to the moving boxes and I nodded quickly, making my way to unpack his things.

We worked for some minutes in silence, I unpacked while he took it and put the thing in a special room, depending on what it was. The first box contained mostly clothes and Nike shoes, the second one was full of decorative statues and plants.

I opened the third box, Martin was still in his bedroom and cursing because he didn't know where to place what seemed to be his hundredth pair of shoes.

The first thing that caught my eye was the framed picture on top of all stuff in the box. It depicted Martin in a black suit, he seemed minimally younger, smiling and putting his arm around a small blonde girl in a baby blue dress. In the background I could see more people, maybe it was taken at a party?

As I began to wonder if this was his girlfriend or not, a hand was grabbing the picture with one fast movement. I opened my mouth, but before I could even say anything, Martin snapped at me: "Don't you even dare to ask anything." and stomped off to his bedroom.

Huh, I wondered, what's wrong with him?

I carried on putting his things out of the box and placing them on the floor, waiting for Martin to appear and take them to another room, but he didn't come.

After a while, I felt guilty. What if I made him miss this girl, whoever it was?

You so hope it's not his current girlfriend.

Even if it was, I wouldn't care.

Of course you wouldn't.

Shut up.

Damn subconsciousness.

I decided to see what was up with him and entered his bedroom. Martin was sitting on the edge of the bed, with the picture on his lap and his head low.

"Um...Martin?", I asked carefully, standing close to the door.

He sniveled and turned his head to me again, a small smile on his lips.

"Let's go out!", he said, throwing the picture on the bed and taking me by my hand.

Boring chapter, but what do you guys think where does Martin take Chloé to? And any theory for the mysterious girl from the picture? Leave a vote and comment if you liked the chapter! It'll make my day, I promise! :D

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