24 | slytherin vs gryffindor

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Draco's first match of quidditch: Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. It wasn't going to be easy but all his friends believed in him and assured him he would be victorious.

Before the match started, Cora left her friends to go wish Draco luck one last time and gave him a kiss on the cheek after she noticed he was more nervous than he let on. On her way back she saw Lucius from afar and felt happy that he had come to proudly support Draco.


Players were flying all around the field. It was an intense game. Wood blocked a shot, giving the quaffle back to Gryffindor. Before they could even try to score, Slytherin took it back and scored.

Slytherins cheered loudly. "Another goal by Slytherin! Beating Gryffindor 90 to 30", announced Lee Jordan.

The Slytherin team dynamic was impeccable. They made it look easy, especially with their new brooms. Cora couldn't wipe the proud look on her face and cheered loudly with her friends even though she wasn't a big fan of the sport.

Lucius sat with Snape, and both seemed proud to see the Slytherin team was leading the match.

Harry, on the other hand, was flying around the pitch, desperately looking for the snitch. "Alright there, scar-head?", called Draco.

Harry gave him a small glare but soon stopped due to having to avoid a bludger. "Watch yourself, Harry!", warned Wood. The same bludger returned to them and before Harry warn him, the bludger hit Wood's broom, breaking it and making him fall, taking him out of the game.

Then, the bludger chased Harry around through the pitch. As he was trying to escape it, he flew right through the Slytherin stands where Cora sat with her friends and they barely had time to move to avoid being hit.

"That's a rogue bludger. It has been tampered with and it's chasing after Harry", said Cora to her friends as they stood back up.

"And you care because...?", said Blaise.

"I can't believe it myself after everything, but yes. I do care if he gets hurt", sighed Cora as she continued to watch her brother.

The bludger wouldn't leave Harry alone. Contrary to Cora, Draco seemed to be enjoying the sight.

"He should be looking for the snitch", Cora grumpily said to her friends when she noticed Draco enjoying Harry's problem.

"Yes, well, you know Draco. Never misses a chance to see Potter suffering", answered Theo.

Harry finally had a few seconds where the bludger left him alone. "Training for the ballet, Potter?", mocked Draco. Just then the snitch appeared right next to Draco's head, and Harry noticed it.

The bludger returned and Draco moved aside to avoid it. Right after that, Harry flew past Draco to go after the snitch.

Draco saw the snitch and followed it, just behind Harry. They were neck to neck and Draco pushed Harry. Then they went under the edges of the pitch to go after it, so Cora and her friends could barely see them.

After a couple of minutes, Cora and her friends saw how Draco was shot out from the edges of the pitch and had a nasty fall. He seemed hurt.

Cora turned to look at Lucius and he seemed worried, but disappointed that his son was out. Harry meanwhile kept trying to catch the snitch and the bludger hit him on the arm, breaking it.

Despite that, he reached with his uninjured hand to catch the snitch. When he did, he fell off his broom, luckily close to the ground.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!", exclaimed Lee through the speakers. As soon as the announcement was made, Cora and her friends rushed to the pitch to see Draco.

Before reaching Draco, Cora saw the bludger kept trying to hit Harry. It went straight for his head, bounced on the ground and tried to hit him multiple times, and Harry avoided them all. After she saw Hermione shooting a spell to stop the bludger, Cora put all her attention on Draco.

"Are you okay, Dray?", she asked. He only groaned in response and seemed to be in a lot of pain. Cora and her friends tried to look for someone to help, but only saw a crowd surrounding Harry.

They all shared a look and rolled their eyes, deciding to take Draco themselves to the Hospital Wing. Before leaving, Cora used a spell she had read about to help Draco with the pain, and it did.


Cora stood in the Hospital Wing next to Crabbe, Goyle, Flint, Adrian Pucey, Theo, Blaise, Pansy and Daphne surrounding Draco's bed in the Hospital Wing, all worried about him.

Lucius had been there for a while, but left due to business he had to attend from the Ministry of Magic, not leaving before entrusting Cora to keep an eye on Draco and give a piece of her mind to Madam Pomfrey for not attending to his son.

Draco was still in pain and groaning, when Madam Pomfrey walked by and said, "Oh, mister Malfoy, stop making such a fuss. You can go! Out of my way, out of my way!" She said rushing straight to Harry's bed. "Should've been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but grow them back..."

"You will be able to, won't you?", asked Hermione with worry.

"Oh, I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful. You're in for a rough nigh, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business."

She handed Harry a glass for him to drink. As soon as he did, he spit it out with disgust.

"Well, what did you expect? Pumpkin juice?", Madam Pomfrey said exhasperated. She gave Harry another glass which he drank with disgust written all over his face.

While this was happening, Cora saw how Draco was still in pain and complaining, which she didn't like one bit. She started to get angry, which Blaise, Theo, Pansy and Daphne noticed, but decided not to say anything because they knew how she was when angry.

"I've had enough of this", said Cora darkly.

"Cora...", tried Daphne in vain.

"Excuse me, Madam Pomfrey?", said Cora loudly, gaining everyone's attention. She was fuming inside, but spoke in a cold yet 'respectful' voice that was full of fake politeness and fake respect.

"Correct me if I am wrong, you are considered a good nurse, a good doctor, right? You wouldn't be at Hogwarts if it was not the case. But if what I said is right, then I do not understand why Draco is clearly still in pain and you are doing nothing but pestering my brother when he is no pain because he actually has no bones. So, do something please", Cora said with a fake smile.

After a few seconds of silence and a hard look from Cora that made the Gryffindors scared, Madam Pomfrey went straight to Draco.

The Slytherins silently admired Cora while the Gryffindors surrounding her brother wouldn't dare look in her direction but mumbled negative things. Cora simply rolled her eyes at them and couldn't help but feel something amazing inside of her after seeing others fear her.


"Kill... kill... kill!"

Cora woke up in her bed during the night once again because of the voice.

"Time to kill!"

Cora looked around and saw absolutely nothing. Her friends were asleep and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Sorry to wake you", said Cora as she felt Venom stirring on her pillow.

"Do not worry, miss, you didn't. I heard it too", Venom hissed. "I can explore and find out who it is."

"Tomorrow, but be careful, Venom. Goodnight", she said. He hissed in response and both fell asleep soon after.

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