Chapter 16

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Nan, DivShad were seating in the couch.
Nan - what happened bro? & side hugged him....
Div - Ha ! Tell ur sister, he is just worrying for nothing . Stop being an overprotective brother & let her enjoy with sid.
Nan - wait a minute! Y bhai is overprotective today?
Div - it's nothing. Nan didn't believe her but not pushed her.
Nan - oh ok! Mai room me ja rahi hu.... Bye love birds! She leaves.

In her room, ( it's her own room, The interior design is done by her Mum who is Mrs Saxsena. She calls her mum from childhood because she got the motherly love from her only. She calls Mr Saxsena as dad because he behaves like a real father to her ) ......

It's 6 pm, Nan was getting ready, she was quite excited for the surprise planned by Sid. She got ready in a beautiful white dress, with white diamond earing which harshad has given her on her sixteenth birthday , a pendant she always wear given by her mum & dad. She was going down stairs.
When she came downstairs, sid got totally lost in her & was checking her out. Nan was blushing slightly under his intense gaze....!
Har ( fake coughed) - guys jaana hai ki yehi rehna hai . U know u can stay here, I don't mind!! Divi playfully punches his shoulder...
Sid - let's go & both of them leave....

In the car, soft; 🎶 was playing,
Nan - so where are we going??
Sid - It's a surprise jaan! Nan knows that he will not budge so she change the topic & they were talking & laughing like any other day.
After sometime, they reached their destination, nan can't see anything because she is being blindfolded.. Sid helps her to the destination by holding the hands. ( Nandini trust Sid with her life, he will never let her fall ) .. Then Sid opened her blindfold, she adjust her eyes and got mesmerized by the decoration.

TTrees were covered in lights 👇👇👇

The passage were filled with rose petals ( please imagine, I can't find the suitable pic),

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The passage were filled with rose petals ( please imagine, I can't find the suitable pic),

Nan was smiling by seeing the view, she got a tap on her right shoulder, she turned to see Sid on his one knee 👇👇

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Nan was smiling by seeing the view, she got a tap on her right shoulder, she turned to see Sid on his one knee 👇👇

Nan was smiling by seeing the view, she got a tap on her right shoulder, she turned to see Sid on his one knee 👇👇

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