2- The Encounter

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3rd POV

They were driving for about 10 minutes until Willow finally said we reached the place and Luz was confused because we were just on top of a bridge going over a small hole

"Uh Wilow? This is a bridge?" Luz said confused as to why we were there

"Not the bridge dummy, underneath the bridge" Willow said as if that made any sense

"I still don't get it" Luz said, still confused

"Ugh just follow me" Willow said slightly annoyed

"Okay?" Luz said, even more confused. We all got out of the car and a followed Willow down the hill and under the bridge where she knocked 2 times quick then 3 times slow. Someone then opened a small slot on the door

"3 people? That's $15" the man said uninterested, Willow handed the man 3 $5 bills. The man then closed the slot and opened the door all the way, Willow ushering us in

"Hey Luz, guess what I brought?" Willow said with a sly smirk as she pulled out a small baggie filled with a certain green substace. Luz's eyes lit up like it was Christmas

"Willow I fucking love you" Luz said possibly a little, very excited for tonight.

10 minute timeskip

"Wait so this place has Karaoke too?!" L7z said excitedly.

"Yep, though it's really popular so it takes a while to get a spot." As Willow said that a super hot girl with long purple hair, a long sleeve pink crop top, a black skirt, and fishnet leggings on walked up onto the stage and started singing "Misery Business" by Paramore

After her song finished and she walked off the stage Luz realized that she had to go talk to her

"Be right back Willow" Luz said quickly, wanting to find her as soon as possible walking off before she could respond, though still hearing her yelling to use protection in the distance.

After walking around for 7 minutes trying to find her Luz eventually found her at the bar sipping on something that was oddly colorful. Luz walked up to her and took a seat right next to her.

"Oh hey its you. I think I've seen you around school, Amidy was it?" Luz said, slightly recognizing her

"It's Amity actually" she responded bluntly

"oh sorry. But earlier when you were singing I noticed you were really good." Luz complimented her

"thanks" she again responded bluntly

"Could I get you a drink or something?" I offered, all she did was raise her own glass and bop Luz on the forehead with it

"already got one but thanks for the offer, what's your name? I've seen you but I never quite caught your name" Amity asked, this time showing more interest

"Oh! My name is Luz! Luz Noceda, so do you come here very often?" Luz asked wondering how she got so good at singing while thinking about her performance earlier

"Eh sometimes, I mostly come here when I feel really stressed to just let go for a night and have fun." She responded, now actually having a conversation with me instead of being blunt

"oh yeah I get it, this is my first time here, pretty great so far, met a pretty lady, got to hear some really good singing. All the great stuff" Luz lightly flirted

"Hmm, thought you would've already met yourself" Amity flirted back with a sly grin

"No seriously though, how did you get so good at singing?" Luz asks

"Well when you are locked in your room for hours at a time every day with nothing to do you tend to have to find something to stay entertained, for me that was singing" she responded, looking a little annoyed and a little sad at the same time

"Wait why were you locked in your room for hours at a time?" Luz asks her, confused as to what happened.

Amity just sighed, "That's a story for another time, for now could I just buy you a drink?" Amity offered

"Sure" Luz responds "a Vodka Sprite please" I continued

"On it, HEY GARY!" Amity yelled.

The bartender looked up at her "What can I do for you?" He asked bored

"A Vodka Sprite for her please" Amity says as she points at Luz

"sure thing" he says still bored

Slight time skip
10 minutes later

Luz and Amity had both been there talking to eachother and flirting when suddenly

"LUZ!" Willow yelled as she grabbed Luz's shoulders

"Where the hell were you?! You said be right back not be back eventually!" Willow yelled, upset that her friend had taken so long

"Sorry Will's guess I just post track of time talking to Amity" Luz chuckled slightly embarrassed

"Wait Amit-" Willow looks behind Luz and sees Amity

"Oh hey Amity" Willow greets

"Hi Willow" Amity greets back

"Ugh fine, you're off the hook this time Luz but next time I won't be so generous" Willow relents

"Now did you forget what I brought or what?" Willow asked, tired of waiting for Luz.

Luz gets excited "how dare you think that I would forget about weed!" Luz acts offended, putting a hand to her chest

"Wait you got some on you?" Amity butts in "Uh duh, you know I grow my own supply Amity, I always have some with me." Willow says teasing

"Could I get some?" Amity asks

"Sure why the fuck not, I brought enough" Willow agrees

"Hey guys talking like this is fun and all but where is Gus?" Luz questions

"Oh he got sick earlier so he called his boyfriend to come pick him up and take him home" Willow answers

"oh okay, well this place is getting kinda boring, wanna go somewhere else to get high instead of here?" Luz offers

"Sure why not" Willow agrees "You coming Amity?" Luz asks as she turns to look at Amity and sees her staring at Luz. Amity quickly turns red and looks away

"U-UH SURE, yeah sure" Amity says embarrassed that she was caught staring

Luz smirks, realizing this is the perfect opportunity "Aww don't be shy Blight." Luz says as she gently grabs her chin "I don't mind if you stare, just means I'm doing a good job" Luz teases as she smirks and Amity somehow manages to turn an even darker shade of red and looks away again

"Let's just go" Amity says in a squeaky voice, now a tomato

"Your wish is my command princesa" Luz says, picking Amity up

"H-HEY! PUT ME DOWN!" Amity says, blood red and covering her face

"I'll do it for a ki-iss" Luz say singsongy

"W-what!? No- what- why!?" Amity says, gay panicking

"Then I guess Ill be carrying you for a while then" I say, shrugging

"Damn it! Fine" Amity said, pecking her on the cheek

"It'll do, for now" Luz said, setting Amity down. Everyone then walking out together into the sunrise

This chapter was inspired by one of my favorite fanfics, bad girl coven, if you haven't read that and are somehow reading this, go read it now. Sorry this chapter sucks btw, I suck at flirting lol. Promise the next chapter will be better

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