26. Guarma (part 2)

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Bill and I had reconnected. It felt good being close to him again..and sure enough he truly missed his connection with Sara too.

Some time had passed and Dutch was finally wake, he was a bit starstruck by the fact I had made it out alive and was delighted to see my face. But we had bigger issues to worry about then anymore dilly dallying.

"Vanessa I need you to go find Arthur and get him back so we can save Javier" Dutch ordered.

"Will do..but don't you think I need some weapons?"

"There should be a revolver over on that barrel, use that" he pointed. I nodded my head taking the revolver. I looked down at my feet as I had no shoes but I knew there was nothing I could wear on them so I went off to find Arthur, in the middle of no where..with no shoes.

As I got farther into the woods I saw there was a village just across the river. And just then a thought came to mind. I crossed over the river and quickly made my way towards the large stone wall. I was able to hoist myself up and jump down onto the other side. To my inconvenience I found Javier..but he wasn't alone. He was inside a building pacing back and forth. I peered around the building, seeing that the coast was clear I ran towards the building Javier was in. The door was locked. I glanced around for a moment before seeing a piece of wire on the ground. I used the wire to unlock the door and thankfully it worked. Opening the door Javier cursed in Spanish before realizing it was me.


"One and only" I smiled.

"No...you need to leave! It's not safe here, they'll find you"

"We have already found her" a accented voice said from behind me.

"Shit.." I whispered. To my luck I should have seen this coming.

"Grab her" the man ordered as one of the guards grabbed ahold of me tied my wrists together and threw me onto the ground. "Two fugitives...this is going to be fun" the accented man said before walking out of the building.

I exhaled in disappointment looking over at Javier. "I'm sorry"

"You shouldn't have come for me....was this Dutch's plan?"

"Not exactly...it was more of a go find Arthur plan that turned into a I found Javier plan lets try to save him kind of deal"

"Vanessa" he sighed.

"But...seeing how easily I got in..it shouldn't be so bad for the other's to come rescue us"

"You better be right" he shook his head.

I was in deep shit now, not only was Arthur missing, now I was missing! I prayed They'd come save me and Javier...but that wasn't the case that night...instead Javier and I sat around and threw rocks at the walls. "Hey Javier?" I spoke up. Receiving a hum from him "I think I have a plan to escape"

"How so?"

"Are the guards going to move us in the morning?"

"I suppose so" he answered.

"Well...at anytime while they are moving us I am going to shoot them so we can escape"

"And how are you going to do that without a gun?" He arched his brow.

"With this" I smirked pulling out the revolver I hid in my top.

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