Chapter 2- That Strange Day

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I am sitting on my bed.... Well it isn't a bed. It's a examining table which I had gotten used to sleeping on. The cool metal surface always helps me sleep. Daddy told me I am going to have a play date today. I'm not that excited.

There are two people coming over for the play date. It's Kid and daddy's friends daughter. He said that his friend named Spirit has a daughter named Maka he told me to be very excited to meet her. I'm Mostley excited for Kid to come over... I even cleaned my room and made it look nice like his. He was interesting.

I had brushed my hair so now its to my shoulders. My bangs in the natural cut Kid did only days before. I'm wearing my favorite purple and grey shirt, each stripe stitched together... Just like me. I have black leggings on and grey jean shorts. I have black socks and tiny purple converse. Its my good outfit.

Kid arrives first. Smiling at my hair and almost perfect symmetry. I blink a few times, confused by the dopey grin on his face and flushed cheeks. "Kiddo-kun are you okay?" I ask cocking my head to the side. He reaches his hands out and moves my head to be strait. "Yes Nula, I'm fine" he smiles and puts his hands back down. I lead him to my room... In this house there's only three doors, the front door, back door, and daddy's lab door. My room is open because it used to be a abandoned cabanit space.

He looks around my room. The walls look the same as the living room, my floor cement with a silver rug daddy put in for my fifth birthday. I skip to my desk "want to play docter?" I ask, whipping around and holding a scalpel. He shakes his head scaredly "um maybe another time" he nods and I frown disappointed. Nobody wants to play docter.... Not the cat, neighbors dog, or the frog that sits on my window. I sigh and think "when Spirits dwaughter gets here we can pway hide and seek in the courtyárd" I say and stand.
I hear a knock on the front door. I skip to it and I turn to kid. He's twitching from the person only knocking twice. I sigh and open the door. I see a little girl in a green dress and has green eyes. She has gold hair and it is tied in pigtails. She has a bored look on her face. She looks at me and sneers "what are you?" She squints her eyes. I frown "that's unotherized information" I stick my chin up. Kid stands behind me, looking up at spirit. "Alright we got this handled thank you" and Spirit puts on a kawaii face. We all walk in and Maka won't stop glaring at me. I shudder. Feeling akward.

Kid, Maka, and I stand at the back door. I open it and skip out. Maka scoffs at my attitude. Kid glances at Maka. 'She seems a little rude...' He thinks and then he walks out to the courtyard, Maka follows. I stop and spin on the gravel. "What game do we want to play first?" I ask. Kid shrugs "basketball?" And Maka says "Dolls?" I look at Maka "I don't own any dolls" I frown. She makes a mean smile "but YOU are a doll" she states. I put my hands on my hips "dolls are stupid accessories for spoiled little girls" I say. She frowns and puts her head to the side. "Whatever"

I skip over to a Bush pulling out my basketball. It's grey and instead of stripes it's stitches. I smile at Kid and Maka clearly unphased by the doll thing. I toss the ball to kid, who catches it. "It's symmetrical!" He smiles at he perfect lines. I laugh "whatever that means" I shrug. He twitches at my coldness for symmetry. Maka fake gushes "ugh symmetry so beautiful" and bats her eyes all mean girl like in his face. I frown and he looks at her. "Maka that isn't the attitude you should have.... But yes, symmetry is beautiful." He hugs the ball close. I frown at her..... She's stealing Kid!

Daddy calls us for lunch. I skip up to the door with Maka and Kid behind me. We walk in and I sit them down at the table. I smile and daddy sets down us each sandwiches. Kid's cut in half and he smiles at the symmetry. I frown. "Daddy I want mine like Kiddo-kun's" I say. He nods "alright" and cuts mine in half. Kid looks over and takes my half and trades with his half. He smiles. I look at him slightly confused. There's nothing wrong with the sandwich... Maka looks over to kid "Kiddo-ku--" before she can finish he says coldly "only Nula can call me that" and I blush a tiny bit. Maka frowns and stands, bowing to Stein. "Well I had a good play date today, I'm ready to leave" she says calmly. Spirit sighs and nods "okay Maka darling" and he smiles leading her out.

I let out a breath and look at kid... He's nomming on his sandwich, one bite left, one right. Back and forth. I eat mine slowly... Glad to have Maka gone.

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