Chapter 3- The party

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I sit in my room, I have my goggles on and my dad's coat. Instead of my hands to the elbows of it, they are to the mid arm. I am working on dissecting a toad... It's simple but I'm trying a risky operation. I take the small beating heart in my pliers. I feel the pound of each beat and I looks exactly like steins when he is insane.

Stein walks into the room, looking down at me. He sets a letter on my desk. I glance at it but I pay attention to the operation. I turn the heart over... Then I attach the veins back.... I close the pliers that keep the skin folded back. I grab my needle and thread, I start to sew the skin. I eye the envelope, it has a pink glittery heart on it. I shudder and I put my frog in its new home, well, if it's a success.

I stand and peel off the plastic operation gloves. I walk and pick up the envelope looking at it. In cursive is my name "Nula" I open it. Inside is a little card that reads "YOUR INVITED
You, Nula, are
Invited to my
Darling Maka's
Birthday party"
And the rest is the address, day, and time. I sigh... I don't plan to go.

Stein peeks his head into the room, his glasses glinting. "Your going" he says. I sit on the floor and start whining "but dad! I havnt seen Maka since we were five! She hates me!" I pout. My hair covering my goggled eyes. Now long down to my back. He sighs "your going, like it or not, go get dressed" he turns and leaves.

I frown and take off my goggles. I put them on my desk and I sigh. I'm eight years old, I should be able to do what I want! I'm a big girl! I can even dress myself! I put on a purple dress. On the chest is ruffles of black and it flows purple from the waist down... And of course with black stitches. I tie my hair in pigtails, I tried a ponytail but Kiddo-Kun wouldn't look at me. I sigh and slip on my favorite black leather boots. I look at my frog... It's heart is beating loudly. I smile, a success.

I walk out and daddy is sitting in his chair... He smirks "you ready to go?" He asks. I nod and walk over, I look up at him "what about a gift" I ask. He smiles "well. What about a book.. choose a favorite and you can wrap it up" he sighs. I nod and grab my favorite book that I've read seventeen times. I wrap it and we head out, starting to walk to Spirits home.

I get to knock on the door. I knock exactly eight times, kid had taught me I would explode if I didn't. I shudder... Remembering when I first met him I almost died but he knocked four extra times to save me. The door opens, Maka stands there and looks at me. Her eyes are still the green I remember and her hair is longer, she is wearing a plaid green dress and actually has a more full chest than me, even at this age.

She opens the door letting me in, along with daddy. Daddy goes to talk with the adults. I sit on the couch with Maka, and another boy. He has white hair and a headband. He has scary teeth and won't stop looking at me, I shudder. I hear the door open once more and someone sit next to me.

It's Kid. "Kiddo-Kun!" I smile and he looks at me his little hands go to my hair, fixing it. I frown, every time I see him my bangs are always slightly crooked. He sighs "Nula your bangs are always asymmetrical and in your face" he sighs and my bangs are parted now. I sigh and kick my feet against the floor. Maka smiles "let's go play!" She's talking to us all but is looking at kid.

We all end up in makas room, pinks and greens everywhere. We sit on the floor, she each hands us a doll. Soul gets a G.I Joe doll, Kid gets a Ken doll that's hair was colored with a sharpie to make it black. I get a barbie along with Maka. I ask quietly "do you have a silver sharpie?" I look at Maka, She nods handing it to me. I take Kid's doll, coloring three perfect stripes and handing it back to him. He smiles and Maka just snaps "I never said you could do that!" She frowns, even though she was going to do that herself.

I end up asking "can I use your black and silver sharpie?" I look at my Barbie... I want it to look like me. She sighs "only because that is my ugliest doll" she hands me the markers, I smile. I start coloring the blonde hair silver, and I add stitches everywhere. The only reason she dosent like it is because it has a long cut on its arm, seems like a dog got it or it was cut by scissors. I color a stitch over that. I smile happily. It looks alright.

Before we can even start the game spirit calls us downstairs. I skip down the stairs and I make it to the table. I sit and Kid sits next to me. Maka and soul sit across from us. A cake is put in front of Maka, of course Spirit went all out. It's pink and has glittery candles and sprinkles. I shudder at the cake. We sing and eat, it ends up being present time.

Maka chooses Kids gift first. It has pretty paper and a ribbon. She takes off the ribbon and opens the box. I peek my head closer to look. She smiles and pulls out a pin, well, two pins. They have the death symbol on them. She smiles "thank you Kid!" She pins one to her sleeve and the other to her other sleeve.

She picks up souls gift next, it's a bag with a lot of tissue paper. She opens it and pulls out a reef of hair ties. Soul laughs "you always talk about how you lose them" he shrugs. She smiles "yah thank you!" And she looks at me.

She looks at my gift. it's wrapped and I think it looks nice. She opens it and I smile. It's my favorite book. She reads the cover "how to dissect volume 1 for beginners" I smile happily. Daddy smiles too, spirit looks at me and talks for Maka "oh... Thank you" he says slightly. I sigh and she looks at me and bites her lip, with a glare from Spirit, she nods "thank you Nula" she stutters slightly. Kid smiles too and Stein stands "well, time to go Nula" he says. I nod and wave to Maka and Kid. "Bye Maka, Bye Kiddo-kun, nice meeting you Soul" I say while I'm walking to the door, holding daddy's hand.

Maka scoffs when I left. She takes the boys upstairs and she chucks my book across the room "she's such a weirdo" she scoffs. Kid frowns, "what do you mean?" He hides a tiny growl, being nine his voice has matured slightly. She looks at him with a glare "a dissection book... Seriously?" And she snickers. Kid stands "I'm sorry Maka but I'm not going to tolerate that Scum about Nula, I will excuse myself" he nods and leaves the room. Leaving the house, heading home.

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