Ch. 7 ~ Normal?

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- Scott's POV -

I decided I'd wait a little bit before figuring this magic out, just in case anything bad happens. But while I wait, I want to see Jimmy again.

[Smajor1995: Jimmy?]
[SolidarityGaming: yess?]
[Smajor1995: may I speak with you?]
[SolidarityGaming: sure!!]
[Smajor1995: meet at the flower field!]

And I had gotten ready. I needed to tell all my problems to someone aside from Lauren, I feel bad for putting it all on her. I fly over to the field and sit on the ground, feeling the soil in my hands. Spacing out, I think of what life is gone be like in the future. No more corruption, just peace. Once and for all... "Hey Scott!" Jimmy says, running up to me. "Hey, Jimmy!" I say, and he comes to sit down beside me. We stare into the sky for a few seconds before I finally say something. "I feel kinda bad about the corruption before... he was my brother in a past life..." "Hey, it wasn't your fault! It was his choice, and he's gone now. Forever." He reassures me, holding the red crystal necklace that's around my neck. "Thanks." I say, and sigh. "I've noticed your empire's gotten very-" Jimmy starts, but I finish. "Icy? Yeah... Destiny kinda did that to me." I say, and laugh a bit. "Destiny?" Jimmy asks, confused. "I've got a deal with Destiny, a bargain with fate..." I start hum-singing. "Lizzie told me you scammed her with that!" He says, recognizing the lyrics. "Yeah, I did, but she scammed me back." I say, looking at my frosted hands. "Still. She's a fish now, Scott." He says, and sighs. "Wait what?! I just said it was a valuable item, but I thought it was a piece of rubbish!" I say. "Apparently not..." Jimmy says, clearly sad. "I'm- I didn't know..." I say. "I know, it's okay. On my behalf at least- but dang... weird things have been happening." He says, and then it starts pouring. Jimmy feels the rain and smiles. "Yess! Water!" He sighs in relief and gets up. "Feel good?" I ask and chuckle. "Yes!" He says, and pulls me off the ground. "It's oddly warm?" I say, holding out my hand. "Huh." He shrugs, and starts spinning. "Tornado Jimmy!" I say, and giggle. He then spins faster and comes towards me.  "Oh, oh lord-" I say as he crashes into me and we both fall. After around an hour of messing around, Jimmy finally runs out of energy, and sighs. "Energetic, huh?" I say, smiling. "Mhm." He says, and I come up to him. I grab his hands, and he looks at me. I look back at him and we start dancing. And there we were, dancing alone, in the rain. I was still really cold, but it didn't bother me at all. After a while, we stopped, and laughed. "You suck at dancing, Cod Boy." I say, and he scoffs. "You-" he starts, but stops. "Scott?" He asks, and looks over at me. "Yeah-?" I ask, nervously. "Can- may I stay at Rivendell for a while?" He says, and looks at the sky, maybe a bit embarrassed. "Of course! Any time!" I say, and then continue dancing, but I swear I never moved. We dance for a couple minutes more, and then we just- kissed. In the rain, we were standing in the middle of the field. Is this what real love feels like? I think to myself, and feel safe. Safe in Jimmy's arms. We pull away, and Jimmy smiles. We walk to the nearest cliff, and take shelter, because the rain is fun to watch. Apparently it was so fun that I fell asleep while staring off into space.

- Lauren's POV -

I was sitting on the cloud. It was the best thing i had experienced in a long time. "Are you enjoying your time without the corruption?" "What the-?! Who are you?!" I say, looking around. "You don't recognize me? The one YOU decended from?" It says. "Wait... Bevisl..?" "Correct. This world would be better with much more purple, wouldn't you say? Those puny mortals deserve it, after all. Look what Rivendell did to you all!" It says. "I'm not corrupting this server again. I've done it once." "Ah yes. Xornoth got you. Well, I won't corrupt the world, I'll make it more fitting for you, and our people. The Skyers." "The Skyers? I've only heard of villagers." I say, getting nervous. "Well, I guess folklore isn't always right? Come on, this world needs you." It says. I know what it's trying to do. "No. I'm not letting you in." "Fine, I'll let myself in." It says, and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my head. "Get- out-!" I struggle. "This world needs you, Lauren." It says, and continues to fight. The pain becomes stronger by the second, and eventually I can't take it. "Fine! Get out and I'll make a deal!" I say, and the pain stops. "Make the deal, then." "I give you control, but you get half of it. I can see what I'm going and I can talk to people. And you CANNOT attack anyone." I explain, and it agrees. It gets into my head, and all of a sudden, I see different. "This is the last time I can communicate with you. Goodbye, chosen one." It says, and it all goes silent.


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