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"How come you travel alone?" Nami asked.

"I didn't always travel alone. I had a friend group, we travelled together until we all left to do our own thing. Everyone left to grand line, but I stayed behind because I had to go back home first." She replied making Luffy happy. She wanted to wait until she found him so she could join his crew. That made him giddy. That's when a question popped in his mind.

"Why didn't you come back to Fosha village then?"

Luffy's question silenced the girl. She was in the middle of sipping the fruit drink Sanji made for her with fresh fruits. Sweat rolled down her temple comically making Sanji and Zoro raise their brow.

"Umm....I didn't know the village name was Fosha village and got lost..."

Silence hung over the galley.

Then loud slurping noise was heard from her before they yelled at her for being careless while Luffy laughed loudly at her reasoning.


After the dinner Sanji stayed behind to wash the dishes so Alice joined beside him and grinned at him before helping him.

"Hey, it's okay, Alice. I'll do it."


Smiling, he threw the cigar down and crushed it under his shoe. He handed the cleaned dishes while she dried them with a cloth and placed them in the rack while both engaged in a deep conversation on catching up to whatever was happening in the span of 3 years they didn't see each other.

"Thank you, Alice." Ruffling her hair, he gave her a cup of sweet coffee since she always drinks it at night. "Make sure you get addicted to coffee, love."

"Make sure you get addicted to cigarette, love." She teased him in his tone making him take a fake step to make it seem like he's gonna chase her. This made her run out the galley. Her giggles filled the deck making Nami smile and come out her room.

Seeing the happy girl, everyone on the deck smiled to themselves.

The energy and vibes she brought along with her when she joined the crew was contagious. Everyone seemed to reflect her mood and smile whenever she was talking and making jokes. Zoro seemed to open his shell a couple of times to laugh along with them but he was quick to go catch up with his afternoon naps and during night, he stayed alert.

When Luffy walked down the hatch to the men's sleeping chamber, she followed behind him and no one questioned, except Nami who wished that the little one would say yes to sleep in the woman's quaters. But alas, you can't separate a sister who's attached to her brother's hip.

And that's how Alice was sound asleep on the bed in the boys room. Nami had insisted to sleep in hers as she is the only other girl and wanted to bond with her and that boys room isn't that pleasant either.

"Oh come on, you should sleep in my room. Those guys snore like demons and I swear you won't be able to sleep and plus I too want to spent time with you"

"I already have the experience of sleeping with sirens and demonic snores tho"

"That's concerning..."

Alice turned to her left still fast asleep while holding the pillow which sanji gave her.
When Sanji came down to see if she had woken yet, he smiled when he was her still asleep. He went closer and sat on the bed beside her.

"Alice~ Come on, wake up it's past 10 am! We will reach Louge town in few minutes. Come and eat your breakfast." He said lightly patting her shoulders but she just pulled herself closer to him and put her head on his lap to go back to sleep.

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