Luffy is dead? Smoker and the mysterious clock guy

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As Alice was running to the given direction by Shawn to the execution platform, she saw people running as well

"What's the rush for?" Alice asked confused.

"A pirate is being executed on the execution platform! Heard he is the new rookie" A man said to her as her eyes widened.

She ran faster and saw that Luffy was on the execution platform with a clown guy?

"LUFFY!!" Alice yelled while running in his direction. Luffy, as well as Zoro and Sanji who were there, snapped their head towards the direction her voice.

"ALICE! HEYY!" Luffy called out waving his hands lightly from the execution equipment.

"How did he end up there?" Alice mumbled as Sanji slid beside her. "Don't know! But we have to save him!" He said as he kicked the guys who were about to attack Alice or maybe him but he was overprotective of her.

Alice thought no more and ran towards Luffy but did not ignore Sanji's worried warning.

"Alice! wait!"

"I'll be fine!"

Maybe not assuring but hey, at least she didn't ignore him!

As she got closer, quite a lot of pirates ganged on her. "I'm sorry, little girl but you can't go any further!" A guy taunted with a sly smirk
"Yea, the boss wouldn't wan-" another guy started but got cut off.

"MOVE IT!" Alice shouted and she punched the guy in the middle as he flew back hitting the ground.

Alice didn't waste more time and started punching and kicking them and took them out in seconds.

Sanji and Zoro sweated.

Yea, she is definitely luffy's sister.....

Before she could move forward Luffy's voice reached her.

"Alice! Zoro! Sanji! Usopp! Nami! " All three stopped and looked at luffy as he grinned, giving a closed-eyed smile

"Sorry!....... I'm dead!"

He said as the clown guy swung his sword towards Luffy.


Don't say something so stupid!

Zoro and Sanji thought respectively as they started to run in his direction, worried.

"LUFFYYY!!" Alice screamed as tears filled her eyes along with worry, fear and guilt.

All of a sudden lightning with thunder erupted in the sky and strike towards the platform. If Alice wasn't as scared as before, she was now as she saw it strike her brother.

It caught in blue flames. Her legs gave out and she used her hands to lighten the fall but no vile, it still hurt but not as much as her seeing her brother getting killed.

A lot of people and pirates fell to the ground unconscious and the tower started to fall and Alice just stared.

She lifted her hand, trying to reach the hand which was stretched out for her but a man in white dress pulled her back as the hand got further and further. The voice called her as she trashed around with tears flowing from her eyes like waterfall. Her own voice does not reach her ears.

When she came to her senses, her eyes widened at the memory and turned to the now fallen platform as she saw a moment.

"Hahaha, I'm still alive after all!!" Luffy exclaimed and laughed

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