Make-up Sex

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Lisa and Jennie have been apart for a couple months.

The breakup was mutual, in a sense. Both parties knew they were the ones for each other, and that they have always wanted to get married one day, but they also acknowledged the fact that they were too young. Perhaps, they may be needed to experiment more in the dating field while they still had their youth, so they ended things. They knew they'd find their way back to each other, though. They've always believed they're meant to be.

But that doesn't mean they're not equally as pissed off when they see the other strolling around town with another man or woman. It gets their blood boiling, and they try to suppress the feeling because, well, they're no longer together. Of course, because they still have strong feelings towards each other, they're bound to be angry and jealous when they see another human kiss their lover's cheek. They just force themselves to look the other way so they don't run across the street and rip the other person's head off.

They even set strict boundaries before the breakup. They begrudgingly agreed on no calling or texting or FaceTiming, which was extremely hard for the first week (not like it's gotten any easier). Jennie would always find herself hovering her thumb over Jennie's contact while she's making pancakes in the morning, or Lisa will type out a text to her and then quickly delete it when she gathers her senses. They're both suffering, how cliche; tortured lovers, forced to be apart to enjoy fucking other people's brains out before committing to their true love. Both of them are fed up with it, but neither one wants to be the one to bring it up.

Sure, the wild sex with random strangers is fun and exciting, but Lisa realized that whenever a girl is under her, she imagines it's Jennie; or when Jennie has a man between her legs, she pictures it's Lisa.

Ugh, Lisa sighs, ruffling her hair as she steps up to Chaeyoung's front door. A girl is on her arm — a fling as of late — and she's sort of annoying, she's come to find. She just kept her around because she knew Jennie was coming to the party today, and she didn't want to look like the loser in the breakup.

"Hey!" Chaeyoung belches out when she opens the door, beckoning Lisa and her plus one into her house. She's clearly intoxicated, making Lisa chuckles under her breath.

"Had one too many drinks?" Lisa jokingly questions.

"S'my bir'day! M'allowed ta' have a fewww dwinks." Chaeyoung says. Lisa's plus one gives Lisa a kiss on the cheek, which she tries to shy away from, before entering the mix of people in the living area. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Jennie's here!" Chaeyoung whisper-shouts into Lisa's ear.

"I know," Lisa says firmly, yet her stomach does tumbles at the thought of seeing her up close and possibly having their first conversation in two months.

"Go an' talk ta' her! I know about you twos dumb rule. Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Chaeyoung shakes her head at Lisa. "Not talkin' ta' the love of y'life f'two months so you can go fuck other girls, what kind of deal is datttt"

"She's fucking other people too." Lisa states harshly but keeps her voice to a minimum. The sentence makes her want to hurl, but she maintains her cool.

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