Chapter 1 (Train Ride)

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I woke up a little later then expected. I was rushing as fast as I could! "Y/N!!!" I heard my parents yelling from downstairs "IM COMING!!!" I yelled back. I just ran downstairs with my pajamas on I really didn't care. My parents took me down to the train station. We finally got there and the train was waiting for everyone to board I was saying goodbye to my parents "Y/N remember to write us letters we love you so much be safe" my mom said my dad never really acknowledged me much but it was okay because I knew he loved me. "Goodbye Mom and Dad love you guys" I said walking to the train. I saw an empty compartment so I decided to sit there. I looked out the window and waved to my parents. As I was waving goodbye I saw a very familiar face... Draco Malfoy we made eye contact I looked away as quickly as I can. I never had a problem with Draco, me and him were best friends until I got a boyfriend Draco treated me horrible he made fun of me, he called me names, and he would start rumors about me I never understood why he was treating me like that but I never bothered to ask I just figured we drifted apart. The thing is me and my boyfriend broke up a month ago but no one knows. As I was in my compartment I started to read and listen to some music. My eyes went straight up from my book when I heard the compartment doors open I see my best friend come in "HOLY SHIT BITCH DESTINY YOUR PARENTS LET YOU COME TO HOGWARTS!?" I said as I got up from my seat. "YESSS BITCH" Destiny said as she hugged me. We started talking until some people came in, we saw 4 people 3 guys and 1 girl I started examining them, the girl was really pretty I was guessing Gryffindor. Then I looked at the 3 guys one had ginger hair, I have always admired red hair because most people don't like it but he looked funny and good looking I was guessing Hufflepuff then I looked at the two other boys one had glasses and the other looked extremely handsome. They sat down and we all made eye contact. "Hi I'm destiny and this is Y/N" she looks at me and I say "Hello" they started introducing themselves "Hello my name is Hermione Granger and this is Ron Weasley" she said as she points to the ginger "And thats Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory" I looked at them and said "The Harry Potter" he looked at me and said "Yes thats me" and he smiled. I will admit his smile was beautiful I then looked at Cedric he was quite handsome. We all made conversation, laughed a bit. "Y/N you have beautiful E/C eyes" Harry said "I agree but I think your just very beautiful" Cedric said "Oh thank you guys" I said as I started to blush "Guys I have to go to the bathroom I will be right back" I said as I was getting up to open the door. I walked out into the hall and I was looking down at my phone I keep walking until I bump into someone and drop my phone "Fuck" I said I bend down to grab my phone. I look up and see him "Watch where the fuck your going slut" Draco said as he looked down at me. I never liked dealing with people like him and I would never stay quiet so the first thing that came out of my mouth was "Or what asshole, you were in my way" he grabs me by my neck and slams me against the wall "Let go of me I can't breathe your hurting me" I said as I was trying to get his cold hands off of me. " Listen slut don't ever talk to me like that again you got that" he said I saw lust and anger in his eyes "Or what Malfoy" I said as I was still trying to get his hands off me "Darling talk to me like that again and I will punish you" he said as he let go of me and grabbed my phone out of my hand the way he talked to me turned me on. "Listen Princess behave from now on here's your phone" he said giving me back my phone I walked away not saying anything as I get to the bathroom I get a text.
Random Number: Hey Darling missed me?
Y/N- Who is this?
Random Number- Come on Princess, think.
Y/N- Malfoy?
Draco Malfoy- Yes sweetheart?
Y/N- Goodbye Malfoy.
Draco Malfoy- I love when they play hard to get.
Y/N- Didn't ask.
Draco Malfoy- Don't give me attitude slut!
Y/N- Or what?
Draco Malfoy- You will see.(Read)
I thought to myself that was weird but I walked back to the compartment as I opened the door they all looked at me "Where were you" "Why did you take so long" "Are you okay" everyone started asking me " yes I'm okay I just got lost" I said to all of them then they all continued talking as I was reading and listening to music I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to see Draco Malfoy I asked " Wtf why are you here get out" I said as I got up to find my friends "I don't like the attitude slut and you know that" Draco said as he pulled me on to his lap I tried getting up but he wouldn't let me "Be a good girl and just sit here" he said and I took this to my advantage and I started kissing his neck. He moaned a little bit which turned me on. "Y/N Y/N wake up we're here!" Destiny said I woke up and I was upset to find out I was just dreaming but I looked outside to see Hogwarts.
A/N: Hello Everyone I hope you liked the first Chapter I will continue to make more if you have an suggestions I would love to hear them! Also if your interested into "Imagines" I made a book about that so feel free to check it out!

Words: 1072

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